Crescent 38: Friday..(3)[Afternoon]

395 54 73

Pray for the world..

Pray for everyone. The world is in need of healing, both spiritually, and physically.

Whatever of good is from Allah. And whatever of evil is from our own hands.

وَمَآ أَصَٰبَكُم مِّن مُّصِيبَةٖ فَبِمَا كَسَبَتۡ أَيۡدِيكُمۡ وَيَعۡفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٖ

And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.

- Surah Ash-Shura,42:30

Let's all make istighfâr, as though the current predicament of the world, were caused by our own sins.

May Allah have mercy upon me, you, the Muslim Ummah, and grant Hidâyah to all those wandering in search of the path.

Allahuma Aamin..


Good News though! :) If anything, in the world today..

Due to the presence of cases in my home country, schooling system has been put on indefinite hold.

This means more time to write, right? :))))

However, I'm to make good use of it to prepare well for when it resumes in shaa Allah(Our final exams were just around the corner 😅)

But in shaa Allah, hopefully things would improve, both in the world and my writing, in shaa Allah :)

Without much further ado, let's dive into the world of TCOTQ! (^o^)


A lady dressed in a green burqa, stood at the southern pillars of the masjid. This was where the Jumu'ah prayers were said in all of South District.

Actually, compared to all of the other three districts, which had multiple masaajid for saying the Jumu'ah prayer, and even more for the Khamsa Salawaat(Five daily prayers), South district had only one masjid, - Masjidur-Rahmân.

It was a pity only a few people ever came here to pray, except on the weekly Fridays.

Now that the halaqah had died out, the once teeming-with-life masjid had turned deathly quiet for most of the days.

By what impulse had she made it her routine, to always be here for the Friday prayer, when she now lived in the East district?

Well, some habits die hard.

And also, she had her reasons to be here..

Perhaps, it was the fleeting joy she experienced, in reminiscing the times she used to come here with her husband and their little bundle of joy, almost seventeen years ago when he was just born.

Perhaps, it was because of what happened here all those years ago.. The Labyrinth Tradegy.

Bloody Moon, Starry Night Sky.. Some called it.

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