Crescent 29: Hâ Mîm|The shadow of his heart...(2)|

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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Treasured readers, hope you're all well this Yawmul Jum'ah.

I'm too:)

For those who read the previous chapter when it was first published, please read this too, as there are additions at the end.

The Hâ Mîm chapters have suddenly increased from eight, and is steadily going up, though I wanted to make it a short arc.

This is due to my wanting to limit chapter lengths to around 2000words, and still capture the whole arc.

So please enjoy!


"There are no choices we take without risks, Zayn..

If a person keeps on searching for such a one.., he'll remain indecisive, always.."

-Hilya, to Zayn.


"Ustadh, why did you not just give him the ball, but rather talk with him?"

"He looked intelligent for a young kid. He has compassion for his young. He respects his elderly. And he seems to hold 'truthfulness' as his most prized value.

If he were to come under me, in shaa Allah I'll train him as best as I could. He has a bright future, should he step unto the path.."


During the weeks that followed, Zayn moved along with his Ustadh, trying to familiarize with the town and its people.

They also heard of the prestige of the Al Aswâdi clan. They were not rich. But they were wise and ascetic. All the people of respected them without an exception.


"Ustadh, what's going on?"Zayn asked over the commotion and takbeerât.

The Sheikh laughed heartily,"Bakh! Bakh! Bakh! Your young friend has topped his school again. His parents are being encouraged to let him write the final exams with his seniors. They hope he'd be recognized as a brilliant student, and recruited into one of the big Cities.

Perhaps Sîn, or Nûn would do.."

"But Ustadh, didn't you want to teach him?"

"If we're fated to be teacher and student, then it'll happen.."


"I heard the eldest son of Al Aswâdi applied for position of an official apothecary in the Royal court, but was denied the post."

"Indeed, the Capital city is playing foul again. He obviously passed all the tests and came out top! The results are as clear as daylight."

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя