Crescent 22: Echoes from the past(2)[The brothers' bond...]

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Arkaan's POV

Ever since that day, she'd left a deep impression on my heart - and I had the intention that if oneday my situation were to change for the better, and I felt deserving enough of her, I'd marry her.

I never knew.. the series of events leading to the trauma, and the hell I would spend years battling, ..and my departure from was just around the corner..

I didn't know I would soon be leaving, and for eight years, I wouldn't be back.

Yes.. I remember now.. Why I was able to cope all this time. Why it's only all now coming back to me..,- now that I've met her.

I remember Inaayat.. I remember the gang.. I remember grandfather..

Even as I sit here in the darkness, the void within myself, I see the memories flash by me upon the dark sea below which forms my earth.

Internally, I know I'll have to overcome this by the morn..

I can't meet the guys in this form.. I can't meet anyone in this form. This is my internal battle, and I've to win, because.. losing is not an option.

Losing means, - giving into depression..

Losing means, - giving into death.

So I can't lose..


I just can't lose.

Though tears flow from my face, the bleeding within my heart, only it - can truly spell my pain..

I'm dying inside.. But I don't want to lose..

Death seems like a salvation from the pain.. But I've a lot to do alive, I'm not yet ready to meet my Lord.. My Rabb..

..At least not until I've attained His pleasure.


Madinatu Anwâr
Sky Legacy Haven

An arrow whistled through the evening air, passing through the Seven Pleiades Palace - Ath-Thurayya. No one could feel its presence, not to talk of stop it.

It pierced through the defenses of the Sky Legacy Haven as stealthily as the hidden shadows in the forest trees. Its silvery light seemed to be at a calculated tone as the moonlight failed to reflect it.

Reaching into one particularly opened window, it made its way towards the elegantly comfortable bed which had a figure beneath bleached covers.

Before it impaled into the wall above the polished headboard though, a pale hand shot up from the bed with exceptional precision, catching it as smoothly as a trained hand would a carp swimming in a stream.

A young man got up lethargically, holding the silvered arrow. His flamboyant air was made more apparent by the blend of red and brown long hair cascading down his nimble and yet, broad shoulders.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now