Crescent 28: Hâ Mîm|The Nine Stone Pieces' Mystery|

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Ha, Meem.

By the clear Book,

Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand.

And indeed it is, in the Mother of the Book with Us, exalted and full of wisdom.

Az-Zukhrûf, 43:1-4


PART ONE(Ramadan day 15)

He couldn't see, but in his heart was contentment.. Zayn was happy to be live another day.

He got up to perform ablution again, into a nearby bowl he had placed for the purpose. Moving around in his blind state this early would have disturbed his companions who were fast asleep. But his movements were so nimble even with his disability, that you'd think it was the breeze passing.

It was no fault of people then, when they referred to him as one of Al Wildânum-Mukhalladûn. He indeed, seemed perfect; beauty, piousness, gentility, even wisdom in his young age of thirteen. But he alone knew what burdens that came with..

Saying his salah, he recited the verses from the Qur'an he loved most for Tahajjud; - Âyatul Kursiyy and the last verses of Surah At-Tawbah.

After giving the salaam, he sat down quietly to read the Qur'an once again. This time, he contemplated on the meanings.

He was still learning under his Ustadh and thus, understood the Arabic language enough to understand the Qur'an. With tafsîr he had from his Ustadh, he was sufficed.

The pocket Qur'an in braille that Hilya had given him was nicely kept. She was his Ustadh's daughter and the girl he had felt strongly about. He had his guidance to Islam through her, and found a home in her and her father. They three travelled together for a while, until she went missing. The only personal thing she had left with him of herself was this Qur'an. So he had treasured the Book, the only connection between them.

As he would normally do, he randomly opened the Qur'an at once. Whichever two pages he opened, would be where he'd read and contemplate.

Lemme see what my Lord has for me this dawn..

The verses were from Surah Al Mu'minûn..

Hayhaata hayhaata limaa tuuaduun

In hiya illaa hayaatunad-dunya, namuutu wanahyaa wa maa nahnu bimab'uuthîn..

How far, how far, is that which you are promised.

Life is not but our worldly life - we die and live, but we will not be resurrected.

(Qur'an 23:36-37)

Zaynal-Âbideen paused and looked up.

These must be the words of the disbelievers to the Holy Prophet, alayhis-Salaam. He sighed. At first he thought differently upon reading the first aayah alone. That was why verses weren't to be taken out of context..

Outside he heard the pitter-patter of the raindrops. It was still raining outside ..for two consecutive dawns.

But the heavy downpour had subsided to a tranquil rain, the sounds, - even melodic, calm against the quietness of the dawn. He always woke up to it, since they arrived in Hâ Mîm a day ago.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora