Crescent 21: Nine Flowers Heaven(1)

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Location: City Hall
(Border between West District and Central City)

Council Meeting

It was the time between the maghrib and Isha prayers. Several men in white garbs and long beards were gathered in a majestic building with ornate designs and carvings. This grand building and hall was at the border between the West district and Central City.

Many of them were well past their prime years, and the signs of aging was clearly visible on them.

After discussing several issues pertaining to each of the other districts, the presiding grand elder of the meeting veered the attention of the gathering to the South.

"Hajj Ya'qûb, your report on the South district.."A completely white-haired man with the bearing of a sage asked, turning to one of the youngest men present, who also had the title of Hajj to himself. This white-haired man wore a white garb which had crests in the form of ornate designs of an archaic tree, reaching into a starry sky.

Although the younger man could be considered among the junior generation in the gathering, his few white strands amongst lush black beard, eyes which shone like stars, and the air of forbearance about him deemed him fit to be present there in the gathering of the elderly generation.

Hajj Ya'qûb who had the air of forbearance and wisdom about him held open a fine scroll from which he read.

"In our last sitting, the house contemplated on the issue of the Nine Flowers Heaven guild.

The issue of tracking down their hideout in the South was brought up, and suggestions were made as to how the operation was to be carried out.

Brother Arman Shah came up with the idea that, the younger brother of Sora, the one time 'White Hare of the South' - Usagi•, first be located.

His movements would most likely lead to the yakuza• group.

[[Usagi means 'Hare', part of the Japanese zodiac.

Yakuza - a powerful Japanese criminal organization. In this story, it's a guild of assassins]

However, due to the meagre information possessed by the House on the Asian brothers, to the extent we didn't even know their appearance till Sora showed up in 'Inabah, the task was seen as a near impossibility.

The house settled on the decision to keep on prying among the community of the Asian minority, as well as to seek the aid of our plant in the Jade Dragon.

Although the same plan had been in enactment for two years, there had been no results then, and nothing new has popped up now.

Our supplant failed to gain any new information on the guild. For the two years after Sora disappeared, Nine Flowers Heaven has seemingly gone into a hibernation. No signs of their movements has been noticed.

It seems their last target, which also ended in a failure was Ukashah bin Sulaymân. Their last assassin sent on that mission was Sora, who goes by the alias,'Thunder Dragon Shin'."

At this, a pleasant-looking man, who was clean-shaven and wore glasses, among the youngest in the house, gave a cold harrumph.

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