Crescent 20: The Best Reciter(1)

287 61 18

Mt. Shirah Mountain Precipice

Who dared to bring profanities near the masjid?!!!

The boys came out to see a most magnificent scene before their eyes.

Right there, outside Masjidur-Rahmân, on Mt. Shirah precipice, a youth was seated against the red of sunset, his long black hair carried by the wind.

Wearing a peony-flowered yukata, the obviously Asian youth exuded an air of refinery about him, and yet, Ukashah could feel a sharp aura coming from him -

one that he'd felt before..

The boy had a zither of finely polished wood spread before him, and he was playing from the instrument such melody as would enthrall the listeners.

He seemed oblivious of them as the boys gathered close to him, by the mountain's edge.

He had his eyes lowered on the instrument, his slender fingers gently strumming the strings, his innocent and comely face, glowing with a smile.

It seemed he would never end. Beauty and art seemed personified in this person, and it seemed he could go anywhere, and be honoured by all, the Kings and the peasants alike.

Ukashah and Zak stood a little farther from the group, their hands folded in obvious detachment. It seemed they were really unaffected by the music that flowed. They were what you'd consider as sangfroid though.

Who was this boy, obviously non- Muslim who had wandered into their masjid surrounding, and decided to test their patience? After all, music was something unacceptable and prohibited, especially when he'd the gall to approach the masjid territory to play.

The boy continued for a while, not minding anyone among the group that had gathered before him. Also, the boys didn't know how to approach him to shoo him off the masjid area.

They really didn't mind if he was just passing by, or sightseeing. But simply coming to lodge here, - a sacred place of divine meditations, and decide to play your mundane tunes here, it was simply testing the patience of the worshippers!

Apparently, unable to take it anymore, Zak approached him by the side, and - tapped him on the shoulder.

"Little brother, we hope you've not lost your way, and need some help.." Zak began, but when the boy suddenly stilled the strings gently with his thin long digits and looked up, Zak was caught aback for a moment. Those eyes...

The boy smiled, without a word.

"You see,"Zak continued, regaining his composure,"It's part of our religious ways to avoid such instruments and profane tunes, in seeking that which is holy, and accepted by God."

"Seeking that which is holy...,"the boy echoed after Zak, his eyes lost in thought for a brief moment, as if searching for the profundity hidden within the words.

"Everyone has that by which he can seek happiness and peace of heart in this world,"the boy began,"The farmers by their fields,

The dancers by their stage performance,

The writers by their fantasies,

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant