Crescent 35: Hâ Mîm|..To you, who taught me Alif and Lām(1)|

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Sometimes, the whole world wouldn't understand you..

But no matter how crazy you're,
your parents would.

Because.. they just love you, the way you're..

- A.A.I.M.


Foolish boy.. The supervisor frowned as he made a 'closing' signal, the boy caught. However, as he made haste to close the opened pages of the Qur'an, the amir of Hâ Mîm had already appeared by his side so both their hands were touching the opened Qur'an pages at the same time.

The Hâ Mîm amir turned his eyes to squint at the boy who cowered, removing his hand timidly from the pages of the Qur'an.

When the amir checked the opened Qur'an, it was just as Ukashah had said..
The pages were not the actual pages of the verses the boy had last recited.

The boy had been cheating all along. He had been reading from hifz.

Because the Qaadi had never required one reciting the whole page, he had easily been getting away without being caught. Had that not been the case, perhaps, his lack of knowledge of where the verses began and ended on the page, would have exposed him.

He just wasn't lucky because, - his fellow contestant was Ukashah...

The Hâ Mîm governor turned to the veiled man at the high table, and gave a nod that everyone understood.

Once he had confirmed this to all those present, waves of shock and alarm appeared throughout the gathering.

"Why would he-"However, before Âyatullah could ask the King the question bugging everyone's mind present, the man had already erupted with a scene.

"Curse you Tâ Hâ scum! People from a backwater city of jinns like you, do not deserve to be treated as people should!"The man who was the supervisor before, shrieked as he made to escape from the convention through one of the many entrances.

Nobody was close to him and so everyone thought he would make away with it, since the way was clear for him. No one was present at the entrances to bar him.

"You too! Yâ Sīn idiots!"He couldn't believe just one foolish boy had exposed and disgraced him like that. Now he was going to be a fugitive.

The moment Shams had been caught, he knew he was going to be implicated.

If he were to enter prison before he lets loose his tongue, he would be killed by those who did not want him to speak.

And if he were to give their names out now, his family would not be safe either. The whole thing was more complicated than what lay at the surface, and it involved many entities at the top.

Even King Dhul Qarnayn wouldn't know how deep this ran.. On the surface, it was just a simple cheating committed during a Qur'an competition. However, it had far-reaching consequences.

These and many other confused thoughts ran through his mind as he made his way towards the gates.

Thus, it was to his shock and dismay, when he saw men in red, appear instantly before him as he approached the entrance, baring all exits.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now