Crescent 15: The Locket and Key(3)

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That night, after Taalim and everything, the boys had a get-together.

Since their elder brother would be leaving for the East district the next day, they had to spend their last hours together, because they didn't know when he'd visit again. He was always very busy with his work at the East district, and also supervising the City's main masjid among other things.

Some people said, he'd take over his father's position in the council soon enough. This was because, he was among the most influential in the East district, aside the proprietress of the famed Iqra Complex.

Even though he saw to most of the projects being undertaken in the district as a whole, he made sure to have his own business venture, a café, as he also supervised the main masjid of the City Tâ Hâ.

East district was the largest among the four districts as it actually comprised the part of the island from its east to the central portion, where a grand and lustrous masjid was built to represent the City.

Another reason for their meeting was that, Arkaan would be leaving to Ukashah's place the same day he left.

The boys were sad over departure, but had fun a lot that night under the treat of Ismaîl. He made them have an overnight game and eating spree, under the permission, sought after great difficulty though, by the elders.

Arkaan had a lot of fun that night.

He had never before in his life, had such an experience.. with people outside home.

Not even at home. When his father was there, he had fun and joyous moments, but not this kind..

Also he had moments with friends - but not this type, - but ones that left dark memories in his head.

On the ladies side, most of them had retired early to their rooms.

Maryam was on her way to her room which was close by Fatima's own, their doors right next to each other on the same line.

When she passed by Fatima's door on her way, she happened to peek inside as the door was wide open.

With an elfin mien, a pretty girl stood in her long mauve-purple gown, her golden-coloured yellow locks falling below to her waistline in heavy tresses. Haven inherited her mother's hair traits and their father's eyes, Fatima Az-Zahra really did look like the Goldilocks character, or much more, - a blooming marigold swathe.

"Younger sis, can you come inside for a brief discussion." Fatima Az-Zahra smiled to Maryam, as she beckoned the girl into her room.

Earlier, she had intentionally left the door ajar, waiting for Maryam. She knew Maryam would pass by her door to reach hers, and so had left it ajar, to spot her on time.

She wanted to speak to Maryam on a matter of interest she knew only Maryam could really achieve, because -

She might be the only one to find the link.

Because..., she was the only one piece who had connection with all the other puzzle pieces!

She closed the door, and had Maryam sit across from her on her prayer carpet, as she sat crosslegged on her own brightly-coloured bedsheets.

"Why does Elder sister wish to speak to me?" Maryam asked, a kind smile on her face.

It wasn't that hard for her to realize Fatima had intentionally left the door ajar to notice her when she passed by.

Fatima looked at her,

Always willing to help! That's even makes you more of the perfect candidate!

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