Crescent 5: The Household Of Allah(2)

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"What you seek - is seeking you.."



The feel he got from the recitation though faint, was goosebumps appearing on his skin.

He suddenly looked at his arms which had the black sleeves folded; all his hairs were raised. Arkaan's heart thumped suddenly as he felt his soul stirred. Immediately, he developed a fervent desire and a yearn to draw close. He wanted to hear more...

The recitation of the Qur'an from the masjid cleared all his mind's morning cloudiness. He suddenly felt clear. His heart tranquil. As he listened, he found himself more and more, attracted to the voice. The recital could be described by anyone as perfect. The voice was soothing even as he trailed it, almost subconsciously. Zak stood, watching from his position.
He knew what it was, and who was reciting.

Even he, was affected by it, yet he wished to see how Arkaan responded to it, so he stood and watched from a distance.

As Arkaan drew nearer to the white masjid with the green minarets, he felt as if he had completely left the mundane world, and everything of sorrow and worry associated with it, behind...It felt cool and refreshing, like a new world had been opened to his heart, and its scenery exposed for him to explore. Zak sighed. That eventful day at the Hâ Mîm towns, before that great crowd, Ayatullah Al Hamdy christened Ukashah's recital- The infinite spirit states: Myriad realms of the Qur'an!

That man had travelled far and wide, and had made a name for himself in virtually all the Eastern countries. He was a charismatic man who, was strangely acknowledged by even the Kings and royalty. Though no one knew his exact origins, they knew this much about him; he voyaged to listen to Qur'an recitation all over the land, and he was a gifted orator and Qaadi, with connections in almost every kingdom.

He carried news to and from every town, and though many high officials abhorred him for that, and some would literally chase him from their town, he was loved by the common people. His enemies seemed to be only those who feared his influence and popularity; for wherever he went, reformation and help arrived. The common people loved him, and his word was weighty amongst them, so the Kings could only try to befriend, and maintain good relations with him.

It was said that, Ayatullah Al Hamdy had travelled many lands, listening to different recitals of the Qur'an, and sermons of great scholars, doctors of the heart. Throughout his voyages, he had named seventeen people whose recital seemed to have tapped into the treasures of the Qur'an, with profound effect - to the extent that one would think if the reciter were to make a supplication with this, the effect would be immediate!

Of course it was approved of, to ask Allah in supplication with good deeds like Qur'an recitation. But sometimes one could feel that certainty that this supplication would surely be accepted!

Some scholars frowned at his eccentricities. But the effect later seen was that -people rushed and moved, just to listen to the recitals. He sparked high aspirations in the Muslim youth of the generation to seek the pinnacle in learning, and provoked a desire in the older generation to seek the same. In the whole of Tâ Hâ, apart from Ukashah, there were four others who were made famous by Ayatullah for their recitation, and the backlash was seen later, when their scholar left. Though no one knew why he left, many people linked the two events, to draw their conclusions.

Even as Zak thought about all this, Arkaan was already by the masjid. It was large with four sections; a prayer and gathering court in the very middle. It had fountains for ablution, and many exotic and wild attractive flowers and plants, as well as birds of all kinds. Arkaan's eyes seemed to be oblivious of the beauty around him, as only his sense of hearing seemingly was the only one operating, his soul was being stirred by the recitation. Arkaan had not gone so far in his studies of the Qur'an to know Tajweed in its entirety. Yet, he could tell by the recitation, that each letter had its attribute pronounced. Each had a unique place from where it emanated from. The voice was simply beautiful. It had the effect of flowing rivers, and yet, not of this world; as it took your mind to the hereafter where the souls belong, at peace with their Lord.

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