Crescent 40: The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.(2)[Nine Mureeds]

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The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "He who follows a path in quest of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Jannah easy to him.

The angels lower their wings over the seeker of knowledge, being pleased with what he does.

The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth and even the fish in the depth of the oceans seek forgiveness for him."

(Riyad as-Saliheen)


AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, treasured readers! Hope y'all doing well!

Okay, so I've some news for you.

The first is that this is the last but one chapter of TCOTQ Bk. 1. I intend to end at the 114th chapter for personal reasons and not to make the book too bulky for anyone who wants to start it..

The second is that I had decided to end the book with the Marabout's Crescent. Y'all must be wondering why it's named that – well your answers are coming in their due time. Just trust that by the end of this Crescent, you'll surely understand and relish every step of reading it! :D

Okay, so back to 'I'd decided to end with the Marabout's Crescent'—but the chapters were too long, so I kept on sectioning till now there are more than three chapters on the Marabout's Crescent! That being said some of the spoilers I gave you guys in the preceeding chapters might appear in later chapters of this Crescent.

Also, I'll still end at the 114th chapter. You might ask, then what happens with the other chapters of this Crescent..?

Well, I've prepared a separate book for it, as well as the other chapters which also still had to feature in Bk. 1 of TCOTQ; such as the night of the Welcome Party, the arrival of the mage and the jinn, and Arkaan's meeting with his mother..(which are all scenes in Bk. 1). That book would be uploaded soon in shaa Allah with the last chapter of this Book. So be looking out on my profile for a new book called: The Circle Of The Qur'an[Part One Endings]. These are outstanding chapters you'll not want to miss, and they give a lot of spoilers, setting the atmosphere for Book One, Part Two!:D

P.S.(It's not TCOTQ Book 2 btw, XD).

That being said, let's dive into Sky Legacy Haven and witness Abdul Bâqi's story being carved into the annals of SLH history for centuries to come(in this book of courseXD)!


People said Ukashah used to be absorbed in his Qur'an to the exclusion of everything else. Abdul Bâqi had thought so too. Then a day came when he had actually done his Tadabbûr of Qur'an in the presence of others. The boys from the Circle said he had been brooding on the verses for hours nonstop, and had missed out on important events he didn't even realize were happening.

After that episode, Abdul Bâqi had made it a point to do his contemplation indoors; his doors locked to the outside world, his Qur'an and books on Deen with him, no one to interfere for hours as he just sat there, contemplating and revelling in it!

Earlier on in the masjid, he had to choose between silently contemplating, and reading the Qur'an out aloud. Knowing what his recitation would cause if he had started, he opted for contemplation.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant