Crescent 14: Elder sister, That's simply impossible!(3)

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"Aayatul Kursiyy is the greatest and most auspicious verse of the Holy Qur'an...", Arkaan said softly, his eyes gazing as if into space and lost in thought, as he remembered Hilya's voice: faint like the refreshing sounds of nature, the tip tap of rain droplets, the whistle of the breeze, the praises of arboreal songbirds, distinct yet a distance afar...sacred, holy and pure."But - it's meaning is not 'The verse of the Throne'."

"The Throne is the 'Arsh of Allah.. Kursiyy is literally a footstool. As according to the hadith of the holy Prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam; to the nearest meaning, the Kursiyy compared to the 'Arsh, is nothing but a ring, thrown in an open desert."

"..and yet, the expanse of the Kursiyy is that, it extends over the Seven Heavens and Earth! The Kursiyy spans the entire Universe!!!"

"How much more the 'Arsh of Allah?! Allah is the Creator of both, and it has been said by the learned religious scholars that, the Kursiyy is in front of the 'Arsh, and it's at the level of the feet!"Arkaan's voice resounded in everyone's ears.

It was as if they could see through his eyes what he seemed to be seeing; a Mighty and Domineering footstool, the size of which was unimaginable, stretching across the vast span of the Heavens and the Earth...Grand and Majestic!

Everyone looked on, as slowly, an enlightenment seemed to dawn upon them on the Greatness and Sovereignty of Allah, such Grandeur!

Fatima Az-Zahra who had a wide grin on her face before, now has a solemn expression as everyone else, who were lost in contemplation. She suddenly stood up in a daze and said, in a voice as clear as autumn breeze,"Can you tell us more about the 'Arsh of Allah, Arkaan? - We wish to comprehend the greatness of Allah..."

Arkaan looked calm as he silently observed his audience, who looked at him as intently as ever, like thirsty camels would an oasis: His heart was pounding though.

He only sincerely wished to correct Aasiyah, and clarify something of which he had little knowledge on, and yet...

It seemed the sincerity with which Arkaan spoke, had reached the hearts of everyone, even those watching from afar; and no one took offence to it, even Aasiyah. Rather, they all looked at him in curious suspense. Everyone of them was eager to hear more from Arkaan, especially Tasnîma whose eyes were wide open in shock and intrigue.

Arkaan didn't know whether it was the information itself, or how he spoke - with Hilya's eloquence, or even both; it seemed to have drawn the hearts and attention to himself.

Or perhaps, because he himself had strong conviction in all that he just said, to the extent of even seemingly seeing it in front of him as he talked. Either way, having garnered the attention of those present made him even more bolstered and gingered, with stronger confidence to speak more. This; we call 'Jazbah'!

"Comprehend the greatness of Allah? - Elder sister, that's simply impossible! So we're told in the narrations, 'Don't try to contemplate on the Dhâtillah, the Self of Allah, but contemplate on His creation if we would but ponder His greatness!"

"Haqq!!" Hajj Ya'qûb spoke calmly from where they were on the corridor, and yet, anyone could see he was anything but calm. His eyes twinkled like stars as he said,"What the boy said is true. Even in the Holy Qur'an, Allah draws us towards contemplating on the many signs of the Heavens and the Earth; That's the formula for understanding His greatness!!"

"Inna fii khalqis Samaawâti wal 'Ard
Wakhtilaafil layli wan Nahâri
La Aayatin li 'Ulil albâbi.."

"Alladhîna yadhkurûnallaha qiyaamaa
Wa qu 'uudanw wa 'alaa junuubihim
Wa yatafakkarûna fii khalqis Samaawâti wal 'Ardi
Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haazaa bâtilaa
Subhânaka faqinaa 'adhaaban naar!"

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