Crescent 25: Hâ Mîm|Shameless scheming|

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Ha, Meem.

The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.

The forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. There is no deity except Him; to Him is the (final) destination.

[Surah Ghâfir:1-3]


14th Ramadan

It was around early dawn when the rain began to fall.. Night reigned and darkness enveloped the whole of Hâ Mîm in black.

In one little inn, slightly old and poor in its state, was a boy in his early teens, lying on a green embroidered prayer mat.

Outside, he could hear the roaring of the wind and rain.

Just a little more.. He whispered as his eyes opened and shut intermittently.

Time was ticking by as the time for Fajr approached steadily.

It was two or so hours after he had first awoken and read his Qur'an that his eyes flickered open. He gazed around.. But his world was all dark.

He could hear it; the loud knocking on the door downstairs over the loud rain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Open up!"The voice was infuriated. By now the owner of the voice was probably soaking wet from the rain.

After some few moments, the voices died down to few whispers below. Zayn got up from the mat, slowly sitting up. Carefully, he felt for his surroundings.

Using a cane he kept nearby for the purpose, he navigated his way to the threshold of the room which he shared with his Ustadh and other companions.

He opened the door a little, and attached his ear to the aperture. He thought he recognized the voice. He never forgets a voice..

"How many groups have lodged here?"

"It's only one. The ones from Tâ Hâ. They came here late last night. Seems all the bigger taverns were full.."A woman's voice responded.

The inn's manageress..

"Hear that Sâm? Apparently no teams have lodged here."The man gave a big belly laugh.

Ustadh Sâmuddîn? He certainly knew him. The Ustadh of Eastern Waterfall halaqah of Tâ Hâ's East district.


"No need to make any records then, yaa Sayyidi. Tâ Hâ has forfeited the tournament by not being in Hâ Mîm on time."

We clearly came on time. What --. Ustadh.. Zayn felt his Ustadh's hand on his shoulder. Seems he was awake.

"Remember, you'd not see the registrars of the tournament pass by.."The voice referred to as Sâm, added.

"Laa mushkilah!(No problem!). No one would even catch hold of your scents."The manageress voice was surprisingly calm and levelled.

"Na'am! Sorry for bothering you, manageress. Aasifun maratan 'ukhraa(Sorry once again)."

"But why would you come here in this rain if it was only to rule them out?"The woman asked.

"We had no other choice. But for the provincial Amir, who would care for people from the hinterlands." The man spoke with irritation in his voice.

"Those nobodies from Tâ Hâ dared to vie with the King! Now they've got what's coming their way!"

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