Crescent 12: Alaa bidhikrillah..(2)

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"Assalâmu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.." He said in his tensed up voice, and yet, he didn't shake.

The four boys turned to him, and in an almost unified voice, they responded,"Wa alaykas salâm wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh." Their voices sounded like what he would have called 'The hymning of heavenly creations on Earth'.

Even as they opened up, and he took his sitting position beside them within their circle, the first guy began to speak.

"You must be the new student Ustadh informed us about, Zak right?.. He said you might be joining our group, some days before."The guy who had just spoken, was of a rich dark shade, bronze - some may call it. He sat by the left of the tree, framing the entire scenery. The most striking feature that presented itself readily to people about him were his eyes. They were as piercing as an eagle's. With a shaven head and a charming calm to himself, he was a maturely gorgeous youth.

"I really couldn't believe it at first, but now, seeing how you confidently walked past all those unspoken malicious voices, and stares..."The boy said, as his eyes slightly traced the other guys Zak had just walked through, a cold glint seemed to spark...

"Yaa Ayyuhal ladhîna aamanuj tanibuu kathîram minaz zanni inna ba'daz zanniismunw wa laa tajassasuu wa la yaghtab ba'dukum ba'daa; a yuhibbu ahadukum any yaa'kula lahma akhîhi maitan fakarih tumuuh; wattaqullâh; innallâha tawwaabur Raheem...

(O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.)"

Zak heard another among them Recite. The new boy sat directly opposite the dark-skinned youth. His voice had a simple elegance and beauty to it.

"Abdul Bâqi, watch your words, or they'll become an evidence against you on a day you'd powerless to refute them..."He spoke, reprimanding his dark companion, and then as if suddenly remembering something, he looked away in nonchalance, as though he didn't care anymore.

Zak analyzed the boy's reserved nature, and noticed he had an air of dignity engulf him. His countenance held a stoicism like polished or refined jade, and his skin was strangely unblemished, without any imperfections.

Raising his hands in surrender, the dark-skinned guy smirked,"Hey, look, I didn't mean for it to become something like a gossip alright. Also, who said I was backbiting?!

Right now you just assumed that I was backbiting, isn't that a take back on your own words...seriously you seem to have something haraam to say about everything I do, geez it's so annoying!"He pouted, supposedly angrily, and yet Zak could see the cheerful playfulness in his eyes. He seemed to like how he was getting on the jade-face guy's nerves.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now