Crescent 38: Friday..(6)[Peace Lasts Till Twilight-2]

369 53 61

"Remembrance endows a person with love which is the very spirit of Islâm, the pivotal point of religion and the axis of eternal happiness and deliverance.

Allah has opened a way of access to everything, and the way to love is constancy in remembrance..."

- Ibn al-Qayyim


Lady Frieda stared into blank space. Her wide opened eyes and dilated pupils, reflected the shock she had within. One could easily see the plethora of emotions dancing in the intense gaze of her emerald irises.

"Lady Frieda? Lady Frieda..!"

She heard a sound coming from afar, only to realize it was Fatima beside her, with whom she had just been speaking to. Worry was clearly written on the young girl's face.

The statement that came next, made her realize just how deeply she had been affected.

"You're crying.."

Lady Frieda smiled at her in assurance. The Khutbah had begun and it was against the Sunnah to speak or do anything irrelevant.

But even the words she was supposed to have paid close attention to, drowned in her ears as the Khutbah progressed. Within her mind and heart, Lady Frieda had the adhaan playing, over and over again, as though she had stored that very voice, the wording, and every tonation into memory.

Each line had seemed to fade into the silence quietly. The silent soft pauses in-between, gave her heart a feeling as though the essence of Clarity were poured into its every crevice, to relish an oasis of serenity.

A voice like Light.

A balm to the scorched soul..

That voice.. Even if she had heard it only once, there could be no mistake. It was him. The boy who had saved them on that day.

That night, his adhaan had caused the malicious spirits to leave the bodies of the possessed.

It came in time. For had it taken a moment longer in coming, the masjid would have been attacked.

It was obvious the targets were the students of the Halaqah, - Inabah. As well the scholar Al Iskandarî.

Perhaps, in retaliation for stalling their malevolence on the South.

As to why they attacked the South, no one knew.

The strangest thing after that happened.. Right after he called the adhaan, the boy disappeared. And was never seen again. No one knew who he truly was, -except the scholar, who somehow knew.

That night, her son never returned home.

He was gone from her life, ..gone from the South. No where on Tâ Hâ could traces of him be found. She searched everywhere.

Eventually, she left to the mainland in search of him. Days passed to weeks, and weeks to months. When a year had flown by in the passing of time, she realized the futility of looking for him with no clue of where he might have gone. So she returned to the island to meet with the scholar, who happened to be the last to see him.

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