Crescent 11: Halaqât are diverse!(3)

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AsSalaamu alaykum Wa rahmatullah Wa barakatuhu.

I hope I'm forgiven for the delaying of chapters nowadays.

The truth is, as I once mentioned, I started this book as a hardcopy, and I reached Crescent 13.
So right now, all I'm always doing is typing right from my notebook, and uploading it, with some corrections too.

As you know, this is much difficult than sitting aside and typing it whilst uploading straight from your head.(The former involves more work, than the latter, free writing.) After all, I sometimes also make changes to what I've already written, to bring the story out clearer.

Also, as proof, the Crescent 11, you'll notice I made it into two parts. This just shows how long the hardcopy actually is!

After uploading everything from my notebook, I'll now be doing free writing and uploading from my mind, in Shaa Allah. I believe things would go a bit faster from there.

Alhamdulilaah, the long awaited chapter is finally before us, to dive into Arkaan's world again. Here goes;


Within the Northeast section of the Al Maghribi mansion was a particularly large hall. One could say, this was one of the largest rooms in the entire mansion, if not the largest.

It was one which, if you had entered it, the first thing to catch your attention would be a very strong and spiritlifting aromatic scent, that of burning incense engulfing the beautiful hall.

Arabesque designs adorned the walls. They held the intricate coilings of soothing inanimate beings dancing across the walls in delicate beauty and style.

The presence of fine flaxen curtains swaying in the soft glows of pink, yellow, blue and the like of bright and sometimes, mysterious colours, shimmering off lamps gave off an air perfect and ripe for meditation.

In this room, Al Maghribi family held gatherings in the remembrance of Allah, the Dîn, and the Holy Prophet.

At that moment, if you passed by, you'd see slender figures sitting in peaceful silence, like beautiful larks draped in meditation of crystal morning dew.

It brought to mind the hadith of the Prophet, upon him be peace; when you pass by the gardens of Paradise, graze to your heart's content, referring to the gatherings of Dhikr.

Amidst the falling curtains, an aged lady sat crosslegged, her peaceful face tirelessly mirrored the words from the book she held.

The lustre exuding off her, made one to think of divine radiance. And her voluminous robes and draping veil, made her look regal, like the mother of a monarch.

She read from the book before her, to an audience who sat there quietly contemplating.

Before her, a group of ladies, all in dark coloured veils, and with radiant visages sat, also crosslegged like chaste and pure pearls from the sea.

The old Lady read the book of ahadith as dignity covered her. The ladies listening in undivided attention, fully immersed in the ongoing reading.

Among them, was a girl with beautiful youthful features who resembled her quite slightly; with the pink petal-like lips, and intensely bright eyes reflecting dark irises that gleamed like stars on a radiantly fair noon of a face, Maryam was a sight that would stand out wherever she went. And yet, within this gathering, others shone to match her.

Maryam sat watching the woman who was a much venerated and elderly lady in their household and the entire Al Maghribi.

Her name was Bibi Fatima, Maryam's paternal great grandmother.

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