The Circle Of The Qur'an[Facts and Figures So Far...] - 2

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear treasured readers!

Welcome to The Circle Of The Qur'an[Facts and Figures So Far...] - 2.

In here includes all important and notable characters, events, and info from Crescent 17.1 to Crescent 27.7.

Important notes from the Hâ Mîm events as well as the Tales of Rawdhātul Jannã saga and other important information from other arcs would be in the next chapter(in shaa Allah) – Recap{TCOTQ}.

Note that all things mentioned in the first chapter I had published on Facts and Figures, including characters, have been omitted from this writeup.

However, certain important eight characters who were mentioned before, but due to one reason or the other, had to be mentioned again, have been included.

Now without much ado, we dive!



The Island of Madinatu Asghar is an Isle which hosts people from all places, and of different races.

In Tâ Hâ, people can be classified as being one out of four groups, viz:

1. The Natives: consists of the four original tribes of Tâ Hâ, the aborigines. They are;
•Banu Al Haris

•Banu Al Ilyâsin

•Banu Hilâl

•Banu Salâma

Among these, Banu Al Haris and Banu Salâma have branches in other cities of Qalb-ul-Ard, City Sâd and the City of Salãma respectively. However, their original city is Tâ Hâ.

We'll address them later..

2. The Affiliate Tribes: consist of seven other tribes from different origins, not necessarily Qalb-ul-Ard even. Among them, those so far mentioned are;
• Al Maghrib: a branch of a tribe which migrated from the Country of King Sulaymân

•Al Adnan: also a branch of a tribe from the Country of King Sulaymân

•Al Aswâd×: no more present on Tâ Hâ as a tribe in their numbers. They migrated to the Capital of Qalb-ul-Ard upon a decade span. Abdul Bâqi's family left in the wake of the GQRC two years ago. Some like Rafik still remain, but they're only a few.

This tribe is a remnant of a Noble tribe of the Country of King Sulaymân. They were famed for their asceticism, loyalty, truthfulness, and keeping of the Amaanat.

Abdul Bâqi, one of the five Quraa under Sheikh Al Iskandarî, and Rafik, a pioneering member of the new South district halaqah, are members.

3. The Foreigners:
a. Those who are locally from Qalb-ul-Ard, but not natives of the island.

b. Those from Countries other than Qalb-ul-Ard.

In Crescent 18.3, Yasmin's mother has the title Al Qamari. It's not a form of endearment, but the name of a tribe(its significance is in TCOKS, consequently, it's a tribe of the Country of King Sulaymân. A point of importance to note..:D

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