Crescent 18: Yasmin!(2)

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Ah well, he might as just go on to speak and invite them.


"Have you forgotten the Legacy pupils of the great scholar are still around?"Someone voluntarily cut in.

"Of them, I've heard only Ukashah and Zakariyya are remaining."Another voiced out.

Abdullah chuckled,"Tsk.Tsk! Even my elder brother Zak alone, is enough to teach the whole halaqah!"

Everyone burst into laughter,"Zak is just a student too, and here I was, thinking some new scholar came to town! Haha little Abdullah, you sure are one entertaining kid."The young adult who called Abdullah first, roughly brushed his hands through Abdullah's well groomed hair, making it messy.

It seemed this time, Abdullah was really annoyed,"I'm serious lah! You just wait and see!"

"Little boy, two years ago, your brother and his group didn't even make it to the finals. How do you think that they'd even get the confidence of the masses now?"

Who at all is this old man? Now, even Abdullah was getting curious and angry. It seemed the man just wanted to provoke him. He, - Abdullah bin Ya'qûb Al. Maghribi!

"They didn't, - not because they couldn't, but because they backed out themselves! We all know the story!

You guys should consider sending your little brothers and cousins over. Even better, consider coming yourself!"Abdullah ended, his voice all the more angry.

"Don't worry, even if we have to summon our ancestors and bring our great grandmothers."The old man said, as everyone laughed. He seemed to be near the front now.

"Young lad, do the aged need to learn? What about, if we're just more learned, and have such knowledge as we don't need to learn anymore. What about that?"He continued in mockery, suddenly appearing in front of Abdullah, his willowed back bent in scorn of the little boy, his shrewd eyes glistening in laughter.

Arkaan almost gaped, his eyes flickered in shock. He could never forget this old man with the peppered beard and wizened appearance.

Old man did he get here, and how does all this concern him!!

"Khayrukum man ta'allama Qur'ana wa 'allamahu!١

The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it!"

Abdullah looked around. As a young boy, his eyes being this serious had brought back a solemn air to the gathering.

"If you do not know, then you might as well come to learn. Seeking knowledge is compulsory on every Muslim man and Muslim woman. If you know, then you can share what you know with those who don't.

The right of the knowledge you've learnt is that, you share whatever you've learnt to benefit others, even as much as you put it into practice!"

Arkaan was shocked by Abdullah's charisma. Where at all did he learn from, and from who? If he didn't learn from Al-Iskandarī, I wonder which great teacher trained this loudmouth..

"Hmm lemme consider. Perhaps, one day in a thousand years later, Hahaha!"Old man Khidr looked at Abdullah in abject mockery, and blatantly said.

At this, everybody began laughing heartily. Abdullah was a little boy after all, they didn't believe what he said about the South district's halaqah reviving. Especially not without their scholar, the infamous Al-Iskandarī, and not any other scholar for that matter. Just how could it be, a bunch of kids trying to achieve such a feat and even talking about entering the National Seven Cities' Grand Qur'an Ramadan competition! Even when Al-Iskandarī was around, the group never stood in the finals.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now