Crescent 23: South district halaqah! You and I, Our grievances are irre...(3)

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Everyone has a trial they must face from Allah..

It's not always the same,

And it's not necessarily equal.
The hardest trials, are reserved for the strongest warriors, -

Those nearest to Allah...



Arkaan's POV

Moving swiftly through the forest, we draw closer to the place which was our destination.

I look up at the scorching sun. No sign of clouds.

In the chaos filling my mind, one question pops up for the umpteenth time,

What caused the bees to surround the valley?

It was possible, but unnatural.

Noon was a good enough time for their movements, yet aggression on their side does not happen without a cause.

Somebody caused it, probably when they entered.

The story was incomplete...


We had resumed our halaqatul Qur'an sometime after Dhuhr salah, when a boy barged into the masjid amidst overt alarm.

It was clear in his eyes that something of great dread had occurred.

It didn't take many words for us to understand from him, the predicament Arafat and the boys had fallen into, - stuck in a valley of bees on Mt. Shirah.

They had gone hunting for honey when things went terribly wrong for them. Arafat and the little boys..

I'm sure you'd be thinking same as me right.

What were they doing around Mt. Shirah when they were to be in the masjid of Mt. Shirah at that time, learning Qur'an.

I shook my head in disbelief.

Instead of coming to the gathering, they chose to loiter about, and within the masjid premises too!

"The bees seemed to have been riled up at that moment too.."The boy said.

If there was anything I knew, - the worst bees were the Mt. Shirah bees; ...yep and no, - not the ones of the Honey Fields' landmass, and still, - not those across the west river Kawthar tributary.

They were the ones right on the Mt. Shirah mountain ranges!!!

When I chose to go into the West forest, of course I knew what I was facing. But this situation was different. The boys were in a valley surrounded by bees, with no way out!

Yet, - there was something strange about the whole thing..

"You said the bees surrounded the whole valley the moment they entered.."

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now