Crescent 38: Friday..(8)[His Circle of the Qur'an]

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"You've heard the tale of the Nine Stone Pieces, right?.

I want you to find them.."

Arkaan opened his mouth agape in surprise. He didn't see that coming.

"Not all-Just the ones on Tâ Hâ. And-I want you to destroy them."


Arkaan's eyes flickered in shock. Whilst people were looking for the pieces to get their lifetime wishes answered, here was Redbeard, seeking to destroy their only chance!

As if reading the question of why in his curious eyes, he added,

"If you do so, the Halaqah would be safe." Ukashah would be safe..

What did the Stones have to do with the Halaqah? Arkaan wanted to ask, but Âyatullah continued to talk.

"Please do not tell Ukashah about anything we've discussed here, as it's between you and I."

As if to explain why, he narrowed his eyes,"If he knew, he wouldn't help you, but would rather stop all your chances of finding it."

So I was right, they're related. Arkaan smiled.

Could he be that 'Uncle', Ukashah had mentioned meeting after the failed GQRC, about two years ago..?

It all made sense, if you put in the fact that he was now speaking about the same Saint Stone he had warned his nephew about.

But if Âyatullah is of such a high position in the Country of Sulaymân, then what is Ukashah's identity in that country..?

Even though it was possible for Uncle and nephew to be of different nationalities, it was highly improbable.

Ukashah was from Baladus-Sulaymân, and he probably wasn't a small fry..

He had that princely poise to his demeanour.. Arkaan mused, daring to take his thoughts a notch higher..

"Funny.."He laughed."Ukashah said, you probably didn't want him prying into such ludicrous stuff."

Seeing Arkaan hadn't suspected anything, Redbeard sighed with relief in his heart. This boy was too smart sometimes, and was able to decipher things. He was worried Arkaan would be able to read his mind, and that would spoil their friendship.

But fortunately, he hadn't.

Call him selfish, call him vile.

For putting someone else's life on the line, to save his own nephew. Of course he would help Arkaan if ever it came to that. But it still was a dangerous affair.
And yes, ..Ukashah's life meant so much more in many ways than Arkaan's.

Ukashah's meant an entire Kingdom, whilst Arkaan lived only for himself.

Apart from his mother, he had no other family. Even though Arkaan had been silent about his personal matters, for someone like Âyatullah with his many connections and info, it didn't take long to figure the boy out once he got on this island.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now