Crescent 18: Yasmin!(3)

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Somewhile after Arkaan led his companions to check out some few more stalls, he allowed Redbeard to lead Abdullah to safety as promised.

The lush red-dyed bearded man led both boys near Al Maghribi, where Abdullah literally escaped, sighing in relief.

He didn't even bother to look back, and think of my own safety! Arkaan felt wronged by the boy. So much for his big words on the more numbers, the better.

After this, Redbeard led Arkaan to a place where few people usually pass. It was within the Mt. Shirah landmass.

"Good, they've followed. They really are keen on having this revenge. Arkaan, what did you really do?"

"We might have incensed them a little." Arkaan said, scratching his chin in shame, a slight laugh escaped him.

"Okay, then I'm leaving you here. You remember the challenge right?"

"Uh-huh" Arkaan nodded.

Redbeard walked away, a smile on his face. Only he knew his true motives.

Arkaan continued walking on to a more desolate place, behind the Mt. Shirah. Over there, the forest began, climbing over the small mountain range and extending westwards. At the moment, he was north of the landmass.

Beyond the forest was the west tributary of river Kawthar. And after it was West district, a forest continuing from there. The worst case about these areas was - the honeybees!

This was their territory.

Arkaan sighed. He couldn't turn back now after all. Because, behind him was civilization, but the boys had blocked his way back to the more crowded areas. It was all mountains, forest, and river from here on. Plus the long-gowned fellas.

"You can come out now."Arkaan coolly said, like he had attained the highest level of tranquillity in all the worlds and couldn't be perturbed by those who were deemed sullied in any way. By now, he himself was surprised by his own achievement in maintaining calm. His heart was fiercely beating against his ribcage though. Apparently, the adrenaline had started to boot. It was a case of fight-or-flight literally. This time, Arkaan knew he had only one answer.

The cyan thobe guys from Eastern Waterfall Halaqah came out from their hiding, looking at Arkaan like he was the biggest fool in the world.

"Is he a fool, or is he a fool?" One of the new guys who hadn't been there previously read his own thoughts aloud.

"I've already checked. The man is long gone. Nobody is also around. It's just we and - the quarry."Saddiq came to join them from behind.

It seemed to Arkaan they had really gone as far as to check and make sure all was in the right place for their attack.

Well whatever, in the case of fight-or-flight there was only one choice for him after all. Just wait till he completed the challenge successfully, that two-faced Redbeard would pay him more than a name. He'd agreed to that after all. Why would Arkaan sell his safety just for a name, then he'd truly be a fool, as the guy had thought. And that Abdullah"..." So much for calling him Yaa Akhii--

Oh brother.

Time for flight!!


Even as Arkaan continued running through the forest trees on Mt. Shirah mountain range, he looked ahead at the trees that gave way to a clear flowing stream, he smiled.

"Green eyes! It's futile for you to try to run away from divine retribution, so give up and let us enact punishment!"

Like in another life would that happen!

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now