Crescent 19: Heaven's Gathering Clouds..(3)

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East District
The Eastern Waterfall Masjid

A prime-aged scholar sat within a beautiful masjid which stood near the edge of a waterfall.

This waterfall was the source of River Kawthar, the river which flowed through a major half of East district, and the whole South district was made into a delta region by it. It was a grand waterfall.

The sounds of flowing water seemed to drown everything, - the chirping songbirds and all, immersing one with a soothing feeling, calming the nerves and resting the mind, as the the body relaxed in peaceful serenity.

To be in this masjid itself was a blessed experience. This was East district's principal masjid, also known as the Eastern Waterfall masjid. Naturally, this was also the place where the Eastern Waterfall halaqah held their halaqah sessions and Qur'an circles.

This man sat leisurely in a crosslegged form as he gently sipped some warm tea, looking out to the beautiful shades of orange the sun had began to cast from the previously clouded sky.

In this state of deep rest, his mind washed out every thought and disturbances from the worldly world.

It seemed to him if he could stay like this forever, no worries would ever arrive to grant him any gray hairs.

Ah.. That's life's true living and enjoyment - to watch the vicissitudes pass by, whilst one calmly watches by the sidelines, neither participating as a main character, nor being pulled into the fray. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, you're just a passerby strolling leisurely through the garden called 'the Dunya', at a brief transit time called 'one's lifespan'..

Wish I could stay like this forever.. He sighed again, closing his eyes, savouring the taste of the tea on his excited tastebuds.

Even as he continued to descend into a much profound visible relaxation, loud noises slowly made their way into his ears, disturbing the peace and quiet.

His ears perked up in irritation.

You could tell just how loud the noises were if they could be heard over the thunderous waterfall.

Aiyaa! These kids, what are they up to again? Never let their master have a peaceful time to himself..

He swiftly sat still, maintaining a meditation posture, his teacup set aside. His face seemed to possess all the sagacity of the worlds at this moment. It was such that, if one looked at him, one immediately would become visibly relaxed.

He waited as the boys approached.

"Uztadh! Uztadh! Big trouble! Big trouble!"

Hmph! The scholar gave a cold harrumph, though internally. Outwardly, his face was still all sagelike and calm, as if a thousand tribulations of the world would not move him, and if addressed to him, would not be left unsolved!

"Big trouble Uztadh!"

When is there never a big trouble?

Chai! Eastern Waterfall halaqah students.. They just had to go looking for trouble to always present to me, - their all-wise scholar. Hmm.. Guess I really can't help it. As a problem solver who's retained my indomitable title since the Al Iskandarī event. Even people to the level of the four tribes seek my assistance!

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