Crescent 9: The Verdant Lady...(2)

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Meanwhile, even after the asr prayer time had set in, a young girl of seventeen years old, with a younger sister aged ten, entered into a herbs and spices shop of an aged Chinese woman, who gave them permission to pray their late afternoon prayer within.

This was the infamous 'Chinese market' of the South district, and it was the smallest of the three main regions of the South district, bordered by the southern 'honey fields'( different from the one on Mt. Shirah), and the Mt. Shirah land regions to the west and north respectively. To Southeast of it was the land region containing the Al Maghribi estate, and part of the East district at the very northeastern part of the Isle's strip of land.
These divisions were mostly due to the South district being largely a delta region of the infamous river Kawthar and its tributaries, which flowed from the East district's Grand Mountain Waterfall.

The seventeen year old Maryam was dressed in a violet embroidered jilbâb with a dark chador wrapped around her. Her beauty was cloaked most delicately and modestly, and yet her aura radiated a beauty and demureness unmatched, even amazing the old Chinese lady who watched her, and her younger sister in the dark abaya pray. It was so captivating as they sat in prayer; the fairness of her beautiful radiance against the dark veils exuded a divine nearness, as so was her younger sister.
Almost everyone knew of the Al Maghribi family's beautiful daughters who did not lack in modesty or astuteness. One other feature they all possessed was their love for knowledge, particularly on Islam. And yet, within their family, Maryam outshone them all, her beauty rivalling that of her own mother, rumored to be a woman of unmatched beauty in all of Tâ Hâ and beyond; her name was also Maryam, of Indian descent, her child named after her.
As the two girls gave their salam, and finished their tasbih and dua, they got up, folding their simple carpet mats simultaneously and putting it in their large wicker baskets filled with all sorts of foodstuffs.

"Thank you for your kind hospitality, Madam Chu"، Maryam said, smiling courteously with hands clasped humbly in a slight bow to the old Chinese lady.

" Aiya!, how many times do I have to remind you that there's no need for such decorum in front of me, my Liánhua"، the old lady, Madam Chu voiced, as if disturbed at Maryam's formal behaviour " We're long since acquainted with each other, right."

Maryam smiled amiably. Madam Chu was an old widow who lived alone, selling herbs and spices; sometimes when Maryam was free, she'd come here to aid her. Madam Chu felt grateful, and loved her humility and respectful behaviour. So, Madam Chu gave her a name: Liánhua, meaning Lotus flower. When Maryam asked her why; she said " Like that which rises from the dirty and murky waters of this world, and yet untainted by its multifariousness, to bloom into a beautiful and pure flower. A representation of enlightenment.
"Indeed, the Heavens have not gone blind! To grace a girl like you who possesses perfection and purity of both heart and mind, with such exquisite beauty... Maybe you were someone that the Heavens owed a lot in one past life and decided to compensate you in this one! Aigoo, this old lady is aging too fast, I wish I'd see the day you'ld marry. Your husband is going to be a real lucky man! If only the Heavens blessed me with a son, no matter the price, I'd pay for him to marry you!"

"Madam Chu~"، Maryam would begin in the form of complaint. She'd try to persuade Madam Chu from her excessive praise, especially in front of people; even then, internally she'd make the dua taught in the narrations"Allaahumma laa tu'aakhithnee bimaa yaqooloona, waghfir lee maa laa ya'lamoona waj'alnee khayram-mimmaa yadhunnoon(O Allah, do not call me to account for what they say and forgive me for what they have no knowledge of and make me better than they imagine.)"

Yet the old lady would give a cold snort,"Aiya! Should you be so ashamed of what's really true. Don't coil up in a shell because of the envy of the world around you. Don't you always tell me about the benevolence of Shàngdì. You always tell me about His sole sovereignty over the Heavens and Earth, and how He protects all living creatures, and sends His envoys as guides to all creatures under Heaven. If He can protect me as you say, He'd surely protect you more~." Then she'd smile, her wrinkled old face radiating warmth.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat