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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Okay, so I just led my very first EID SALAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


So let's have a Recap of the story before we proceed into the world of Arkaan and the Five Quraa'!

Do read, because this is not just a recap, it contains a half-Crescent that might give you some important answers:)

The story so far..


The story begins eight years ago, when a scholar meets a boy who's stolen a piece of bread. The anguish and sorrow from the child's eyes tell the scholar of the boy whose spirit is broken by the vicissitudes of life. The scholar takes pity on him. Instead of rebuking him or handing him over to be dealt with by the appropriate authorities, he guides him to choose a path – The Sâbiqûn, Those foremost in faith and nearest to Allah.

As long as he does not leave the scholar's tutorship, the scholar Al Iskandarî would become his stepping stone on that exalted path, in shaa Allah!

Eight years later, a boy is washed ashore the Isle of Tâ Hâ. Arkaan is rescued by Zak and Ukashah, and a lot of things happen :)))

He has two reasons for returning to his home island: To find his mother, and to revive his Teacher's Circle.

Arkaan goes on to live with Ukashah and Mother Ashyaa after leaving the Al Maghribi family. But not before personally meeting Maryam and answering her question as to why he wants to study the Qur'an.

He gives his reasons as; I want to know Allah, and have a character like Nabi SAWS was described by Aishah (R.A.): his character was the Qur'an.

Only by cultivating one's heart by the instructions of Al Qur'an can one develop good character, worthy of the Rabb's pleasure.

While in this neighbourhood, Arkaan meets new friends and old enemies. He meets the enigmatic Redbeard(who is later seen to be the world renowned Âyatullah Al Hamdy) and Juraij Silk Roads!

He defeats his pursuers from Eastern Waterfall Halaqah and meets Yasmin, the Beegirl! Their first halaqah meeting, he meets Rafik and the unwilling Arafat! Then Haru comes along, looking for his big bro, Sora —now Urwah.

Thursday presents with Arafat and his newfound minions bringing trouble to the budding halaqah. Old man Khidr swears that he would never come to a reconciliation with South district halaqah for what they unwittingly did to him two years ago at the GQRC.

Upon being asked what happened, he proceeds to narrate a story of his woes.

Well, Ukashah tells Arkaan the reason for their eviction from the tournament is the mysterious 'Saint Stone'. It's the reason why their famous benevolent Ustadh Inaayat disappeared too. Ultimately Ukashah keeps from Arkaan the fact that they were betrayed by their most trusted member among the five; Abdul Bâqi Al Aswâdi!

Friday begins with a dream, then prepare the home for a Welcome Party!!!

Arkaan is shocked by Redbeard's true identity but shocks the masses even further by a heartsundering adhaan. Arkaan recollects the name of his childhood friend was not Maryam, but Junnah!

Enter Little green and Shad. They tell us a heretic of a magician and a vile female jinni approach Tâ Hâ. They have two stone pieces of the Saint Stone, and seek the three on the island. Arkaan has one, apparently. He's in deep! Little green affirms.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora