Crescent 23: South district halaqah! You and I, Our grievances are irre...(4)

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Every Aayah ..contains a mystery from God.

To seek it, one's heart must be opened up, His Divine Light.

Blooming flowers at night,

Are appreciated,
Only under the moonlight..

-Zaynal Âbidîn(TCOTQ)


For hours on end when she had nothing to do, she would sit here at her musallah, her pale lips, busying in the adoration of her Ilah.

In constant dhikr.. she had found the peace in her, that once was lost.

This day however, as she sat here, she had suddenly reminisced about someone from the past. One who had been her light from the darkness she had once been in..

She still remembered that day...

That day, she had been weeping, her voice coarse from constant lamentations. She couldn't cry anymore..

"Give me back my son.." Her voice trailed lowly to the man in resignation, his back, turned to her.

She held the hem of his white thobe, and that was what prevented him from leaving.

After all, he had advised her that her tears wouldn't bring the boy back.

"He's gone already.."The scholarly man said to her, his tone grave, but his eyes had a look of pity to them.

"Why?.."She murmured, more to herself than the man.

"He had to,"The man voice was clear, and firm. It seemed he endorsed the idea of her son being taken from her.

"None of you had the right, decide his future."She said, her voice broken.

"And you did?"

She couldn't answer that. She was guilty.., and she knew it from the depths of her soul.

"Your boy would return in shaa Allah.. He only needs time to let go of his past, and.. to forgive himself.

You've already heard of the matter of the Labyrinth Tragedy..?"

"It couldn't be.." ..true, was what she wanted to say. She had no memory of it.

But the grave look in the man's eyes said it all.

Her eyes lowered in self-blame. Guilt enwrapped her soul. That was when she came to realize, ..the damage her negligence had wreaked on her own son.

"Ruknii.."She sobbed.

"You should be grateful to Allah. He was one of those who survived among those who weren't possessed. Many died that day.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now