Crescent 37: As the night wears on...(3)[Dawn]

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"Muhammad spread the message by sending out reciters, not texts.."

-Kristina Nelson[The Art Of Reciting The Qur'an]

AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Alhamdulillah, we're here in the Arkaan series again!

Do well to read the previous chapter before you read this one. In shaa Allah, it would make this even more understandable:)


"Father, no. Don't leave!!"Arkaan woke up with a start, his heart beating wildly.

He couldn't stop the rush of fear and deep laboured breathing that came and went as if he had just ran a life-or-death marathon.

When he held his face in an attempt to clear the cloudiness from it, he realized the tears, ..streaming down his cheeks.

How would he classify that dream?

A foreboding or pure nightmare?

For a moment, he sat there in the room as his breathing slowed down, gradually, till he could feel the calmness around him once more.

The dream was still vivid in his mind.

A vast desert, burning under a scorching sun.

For miles it stretched, with no one in sight.

He wiped his face with the sleeves of his white thobe, obviously the dress they wore for the South district halaqah.

Looking ahead in the dazed heat, he swallowed. But only felt the dryness in his throat.

Water.. He needed water.

If he didn't get some soon enough, this desert could very well become his graveyard, he realized.

However, notwithstanding, he looked ahead with a determined look.

He was searching for something, ..or someone.

Whatever or whoever that was, he knew the reason why he came to that endless desert was important.

Yet for miles, he saw no one.

Sweat drenched him, draining down his clothes as he walked on, with no destination in mind particularly.

His mind had began failing him already for some time now, and confusion seemed to dominate him so he wouldn't think clearly.

Yet, in his Qalb was a yearn.

Something that kept him going.

Till he found it, he wouldn't turn back. No matter what.

It wasn't long till he saw the footsteps, carved into the burning sand.

The footprints were larger than his, when seen from afar.
When he placed his feet within, they were his exact form. They closed in to fit him perfectly.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora