Crescent 26: Hâ Mîm|The Taciturn Prince knows how to banter|

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Ha, Meem.

[This is] a revelation from the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful -

A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur'an for a people who know,

[Surah Fussilat, 1-3]


"Yaa Ummi, why aren't your melons selling while I see all the other stalls making sales easily?"He asked, curiosity and concern visible on his naturally tanned visage.

"Oh Don't mind them! It's just a bunch of people bent on slandering others to spoil business."

"What slander could this be, Yaa Ummi?"Abdul Bâqi asked again. Seeing the woman's reluctance to speak, he added,

"Yaa Ummi, there's a saying from the wisemen, that a problem shared is a problem halved. Please tell us so if we can help, we aid in whatever way we can.

If not, already sharing your problem will free some of the burden fee qalbiki(in your heart), yaa Ummi."

Seeing the dark boy's pleading eyes, which carried within some charm of persuasion, she yielded.

Even as she talked, his companions approached her stall.

"You see, I'm an old lady living alone with my grandson. He's been ill since childhood and both parents are mutawafaa(deceased).

As such, there's this superstition widespread about me. That I'm a harbinger of bad luck and a dhâtu 'ayn ilhasûd(possessor of the eye of envy/evil eye)..

Aiyaa! These people show no mercy for an old lady! Why would I even hurt my own progeny!"

"What you're saying is true.."But some possessors of 'ayn alhasûd don't necessarily know they have it..Abdul Bâqi thought, calmly listening to her. The others had similar thoughts running through their minds.

"So what happened after that?"

"..Due to this spreading rumour, nobody wants to buy from me from around these areas since they're afraid something might happen to them."

"What about the visitors and immigrants, - those touring the city like at this time?"Ukashah asked,

"Surely, they'll have nothing against you.."Even though he had a placid expression on him, his voice betrayed his sympathy for the woman.

The lady sighed,"Once they notice the peculiar treatment with which the others are giving me, they don't dare to approach for fear of incurring trouble..

I've to sell all of these today, or given another day and they might become thamaarun faasidah!(rotten fruits!)"

She looked at her three carts and visible huzn(sadness) overcame her. It seemed before she spoke to this group of youth, she avoided seeing her own situation.

Now though, as her reality dawned on her, all her previous fiery spirit in her unyielding sales, seemed to have disappeared.

Her tired eyes swept over her fresh melons which might not live another day as fresh as they were. Her voice came sad,

"These 're all I've to live on. Ana wa hafîdî..(Me and my grandson..)"

The boys looked at each other in a silent consensus.

"Zayn--"Even before Urwah could brief Zayn on their concord, the blind boy reached out towards the old lady, in the direction of her voice earlier.

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