Crescent 19: Heaven's Gathering Clouds..(5)

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When Arafat had agreed to Ukashah's deal, Arkaan untied him from the pillar.

Arkaan then proceeded to offer leading him in praying the 'Asr Salah. Obviously, he hadn't prayed it. As to whether he regularly said his other prayers, that was a whole new matter.

Sadly, the boy snapped back,"I never made any deal about saying any prayers with you. I'm only here for your stupid Circle meetings, nothing more, nothing less." Then, with a scowl he made his way ahead. Arkaan shook his head with a weary smile and followed.

Apparently, Ukashah and Zak decided not to say anything about it..

The group of five retreated to the very first rows of the brightly coloured carpets, and sat down in a small circle.

As the gathering made to start, everyone looked over to Ukashah. Even though he would have preferred somebody else, - like Zak to preside over the meeting, it was unanimously agreed that he should lead.

Ukashah began by giving an opening encomium in praises of Allah and salutations upon the holy Prophet, and then addressed the gathering. Anything which began with the holy name of Allah was never bound to a failure. After saying a few words, he looked at Zak for any additions.

Seeing that Ukashah was finding it a little hard as to how next to proceed, Zak smiled warmly, saying in a cheerful voice,"I think we should first start by introducing ourselves."

"We'll start from the right then, Arkaan?"Ukashah looked to his right saying the words stoically.

"Geez, I thought the speaker was always the first one to introduce himself.."Arkaan muttered under his breathe. He rubbed his nose in silent laughter. It seems the lukewarm Ukashah has shyness issues too.

"Say what?"

"Nothing nothing heheh.."

"Uh-umm..Okay",Arkaan cleared his throat noisily,"My name is Arkaan Ibn Yahya Al Il-..."

After a short pause, he stopped. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"Al What?"Zak asked. He had rarely heard Arkaan use a nisbah(title of tribal lineage added to one's name) in his name. Now that he did, Zak was curious but Arkaan just brushed it off lightly, for his own reasons perhaps..Zak thought.

"Never mind,"Arkaan laughed softly and turned to the next on his right," Your turn, Rafiki!"

Rafik looked at Arkaan weirdly.

Wait, was he nervous?

Now that Arkaan looked at him closely, he noticed the thick aura of anxiety surrounding the boy. Arkaan understood him. Actually, it'd be strange if he wasn't. Even Arkaan felt some tingling feelings, and sensations in his abdomen.

This was really his first time in the halaqah he had always admired although from afar, he probably couldn't believe he was sitting with Ukashah and Zak.

Arkaan was right though. As Rafik sat there, he could only internally revel in the feeling of sitting with people he'd looked up to like since forever!



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