Crescent 10: Silent Tears(1)

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,La ilaha Ilallah, wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd!

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,La ilaha Ilallah, wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd!

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Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh. The long wait is finally over, Alhamdulillah. Wishing you all a happy Eid. Now, my Eid present to you guys...

To every tear shed, there's a promise from God...
To every promise, there's hope
In hope, there's light at the tunnel's end
Indeed, Allah is the Grand Author of our lives...
Therefore... for every tear shed,
There's a happy ending... A Victory Eternal!" (A.A.I.M.)


"Look, young lord, considering you're new here, and I desperately need some money for my little girl's medications, I'll charge you a little for my services, alright." the old man Khidr said, as he looked up into the sky, as if enshrouded by the very essence of sorrow itself.

In that moment, he'd really look like the epitome of all that is sad in this world. Arkaan sighed.

"By Allah, if not for that, I wouldn't have even charged a coin! I hope you understand"he smiled with such sincerity and righteous indignation that could move all hearts, as he looked at Arkaan from the corner of his eyes.

If not for the ever-present avarice he tried to keep subtle behind his solemn expression that Arkaan could easily read, and his overtly ostentatious behaviour, maybe Arkaan would have given him the benefit of the doubt.
Arkaan kept silent and smiled. This was really a strange tactic to even him.

He was not really using his services' excuse to try and extort Arkaan, and Arkaan knew this. "money for his little girl's medications... " Arkaan thought. This man was playing on his humanity to extort him!

If it were true and Arkaan refused him, then it'll only go to show what a heartless person Arkaan was, without a shred of gratitude to an old man who even bothered to help him! And if it were false, which Arkaan strongly believed to be most likely the case... as long as he couldn't prove it, if he refused, it'll still be a show of heartlessness on his part!

All loose ends in this con were tied, and strangely enough, there was a definite price the man had set! If it were simply begging, then it'd be a case where one could decide how much to give in alms to the beggar. Yet, 'some money for my medications' called on a definite sum! This was a rare occurrence against the notion 'a beggar has no choice'!

Arkaan sighed as he said, "How much does the medication cost?... The old man was elated, as he looked at Arkaan with a gracious light in his eyes."Just six gold coins! "

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