Crescent 3: "Recite"(1)

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A saint in Al-Islam once said"When the heart and the mind become whole, the tongue would speak from the recesses of the soul."

Another said,"Be like wax, illumine the world and burn yourself. Be like a needle and work bare. When you've achieved all this, a thousand years will become to you as a hair."

(The latter saying was attributed to Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya, who was of Basra. She was a well known woman ascetic in the first generation of Tabi'un, the Muslims of second generation after the Holy prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wasSallam.)


Arkaan opened his eyes, looking blankly into a finely furnished room. It was a room having the most beautiful examples of Islamic art, even the architecture itself exuded a sense of dense Islamic spirituality.

The bed he lay on was very comfortable, with white sheets spread all around.

He also realized that he was no more in his black top and deep brown leather trousers; he was in all white - a white thobe on white loose pants.

Wait, was he in heaven?!!! As soon as the thought came to mind, he felt his mind spinning with a sudden headache. He held his head in agony. No, that can't be right.. Heaven does not look like this.

Although the things around him looked impressive and spiritually inspiring; to him, it was far from the descriptions he had read from the Qur'an. He breathed. And Heaven has no freaking headaches!

Arkaan raised his incredible green eyes, gazing into thin air as he recalled the events that happened leading to his current situation.

He had fallen off the mainland's ferry into the open sea, out of his maniacal exuberance upon sighting his homeland. Oh, how long had he been away from Tâ Hâ. His homeland waves seemed to have been eager to welcome him and had viciously dragged him far away from rescue under the concealment of the dawn.

Arkaan lamented at the scornful waves.

Fortunately for him he had taken his eight years' lessons under his aristocratic grandfather seriously, and had use his skills in swimming to successfully wade through the rogue waters and overcome their turbulence. With the ferry drifting far enough away from him, he ended up having to cross the remaining distance to shore, and was drained by the time he touched land. He immediately blacked out and fell into a long deep sleep. He didn't even know when and who had carried him here!!

Arkaan looked around, trying to make sense of where he was.

It was someone's home alright.. – most probably those who saved him from the shores. He sighed, looking at his white apparel again. A half-smile made its way across his face. That family might have surely worn him a white cap to complete the attire, had they only known his faith.
Since he had been unconscious, they probably couldn't guess that he was a Muslim.

With pale white skin and green eyes, Arkaan was foreign to this island in appearance. But only in appearance.

He'd need a while under the tropical climate to regain his previous tan from years ago. These thoughts flowed in his mind, and then he felt a profound feeling of anxiety grip him.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now