Crescent 6: Masjid Cleaning

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"It is said that the heart is the mirror of the soul...

How can a broken mirror reflect the sky?"

-A Myriad Heart Reflections(Hilya's diary).


Realizing it was the boy they had rescued, Ukashah yielded a polite smile.

Even as he sat closer, Arkaan gathered the subtle differences between this new guy and Zak. It wasn't just the reserved nature.. The boy effortlessly wore a sophistication, and a quietly dominant nature, as though he were of a higher birth, without having to speak it. Physically, he could be described as darkly handsome, with his kohl-lined golden brown eyes and a stoic expression Arkaan had observed previously as he had read the Qur'an.
His olive-complexioned flawless face seemed the type to rarely yield a smile, and yet he radiated a dignified charm which would make anyone to revere him if they chanced to lay eyes on him.

The soft smile that he accorded Arkaan, made him feel welcomed and to be acquainted with him.

Returning the greeting fully with a handshake, he commented,“I see you're awake, —”

“Arkaan, Arkaan Ibn Yahya.”Arkaan replied, seeing the look of askance on Ukashah's noble countenance.

“I'm Ukashah, Bin Sulaymân. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you're doing well now?

You were unconscious for such a long time yesterday.”Ukashah asked. Arkaan could see the concern in his eyes, and yet, he was a complete stranger...

They just met, and yet, this guy was that concerned about him. Yet before, Ukashah would not have guessed he was Muslim. Was this what those who truly attained a bonding to the Qur'an achieved?

Such admirable character and empathy!

“Yh, Alhamdulillah, I'm doing well now. I heard you stayed to look after me yesterday. I wanted to thank you for what you did. I perhaps, might not be here today, if not for that.”Arkaan added, a look of sincere gratitude on his face.

“Maasha Allah. It's only by the grace of Allah that all good deeds are accomplished. It's been a mystery to me though, how you ended up there.

But don't worry, no need to be stressed on that. It must have been quite an experience.”Ukashah genially said.

“I surmise you might have come from the mainland continent.. Unless you've a place to stay, you can always count on me to help.

Being a stranger and all, you must need a place to lodge...”Ukashah knew Arkaan couldn't stay forever with the Al Maghribi. No guest does. It'd bring inconvenience, especially with the ladies of the house.

Thus, he had been thinking how he'd find relief for both parties. He was considering Arkaan coming to stay with him. Arkaan couldn't help noticing the barrage of questions. Yet, all of them contained sincere thoughts towards his wellbeing.

Before he could even answer, Ukashah noticed Zak standing by the doorway, having just completed two raka'at Tahiyyat-ul-masjid( two units of prayer, performed as greeting of the masjid upon entering).

“Salamun alaykum wa rahmatullah, Zak!”

From his tonation, one could see Ukashah was happy to see Zak.

Actually, Ukashah felt the closest to Zak after all the other students left the halaqah, leaving them both. Zak's home was here, in Tâ Hâ. This was his birthplace. But for Ukashah - he had no other home to return to, starting from a certain point in his childhood. So Tâ Hâ became his home, the South district, his place to return to...

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