Crescent 38: Friday..(4)[A Voice Like Light.]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Hope you're all doing well and good!:)))

Stay safely at home and dive into a world of Voices that evoke contemplation and enlightenment!

You might want to listen to that adhaan above, getting to the end of this Crescent. But if you wish to use your imagination too, better! :)))

Want to know why I'm blabbering all this?

Read to find out! Just dive now, into the world of Arkaan and the Five Quraa!:D


Moments Before Entering The Western Prayer Hall...

Ukashah's POV

I shake my head in disbelief as I watch from behind, Zak and Abdullah holding Arkaan, one across the shoulders and one his arm.
Like intimate friends, they stepped into the threshold of the western prayer hall amidst ecstatic smiles, bickering in jolly.

For a moment, I stood there.


There was that urge to rush up to them.. With a rowdy call and a fierce but playful pat on a shoulder, or a playful hit on another's head for saying something absurd..

The urge was there..

But I didn't act on it. I held myself back.

I always needed to maintain a calm and composed demeanour.

Ihtishâm would say.., I was not like the others. I had to show etiquette.

I am Prince Ukashah bin Sulaymân. - was..

I inspire deeply, and exhale.

Just as they were entering, Abdullah turned back discreetly to stick his tongue at me. What..?! Did he just do that at me..?

I reigned in the subconscious reflex to return the favour the same childish inner self. I restrained it.

And frowned.

What would dad say? And Ihtishâm?

Manners.. Manners..

Ukashah, you're a Prince. Moreover you'll be an adult soon, in a year's time.

You need to show your seniority, your noble background. I played in my mind the hypothetical lecture elder brother would have given me, had he been here..

I gave a cold snort. Adjusting my white thobe, I stepped into the western prayer hall.

If that reprobate of a child grew in my place, Ihtishâm probably would have graced him with a knock of rectification, - or two.

How free a child Abd was. Who was the snort was for? I laughed at myself.

Abdullah, for being a rogue of a child?

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