Crescent 3: "Recite"(2)

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"Just as we hate to destroy Ka'bah, we should similarly hate to break people's hearts and hurt their souls."

- Anonymous


Just then, someone else entered into the masjid,“I see you're awake.”

“Eldest brother Zakariyya!”Khadijah called out, as they all rushed to hug a youth of similar age to Arkaan. He had bright blue eyes and dark blond hair, looking just as foreign as Arkaan.

Coupled with his fine masculine build, he possessed a perpetual charming smile on his face that would have made even the most extraordinarily beautiful girls jealous of him, amongst the many others that'd fall for him.

Arkaan noticed some queer similarities between the boy and Khadijah, they resembled each other than they'd the rest of the kids; she also possessed the same dark blue irises. Oh, yeah, genetics. They're probably from the same mother. Arkaan surmised, putting together what he had learnt of their polygamous home and what was apparent from their features.

The kids excitedly went on to rattle everything that happened with Arkaan to Zakariyya.

They made acquaintance with each other—most of which was due to Zak's amiable nature. He told Arkaan to call him by that – Zak. Apparently everyone else did, but for some of his siblings.

All in all, Arkaan's first impression of him was that Zak was the friendly type of guy, with an agreeable disposition. The sort who'd think good of almost everyone, with no sign of suspicion in his eyes – Naivety, Arkaan called it. They make friends with anyone at the drop of a hat.

Arkaan didn't like that nature one bit because, ..he couldn't put up guard with those people, and some ended up being contrary to what they showed on the surface. He had met such a one before. A girl with doleful eyes.

Wait, what was he worrying about..? He had just met this guy. Arkaan mentally chided himself.

The past was in the past.

He smiled back at Zak, who was still talking, oblivious to his internal assessment of him.

They had helped him. He shouldn't be so unwelcoming of them. He sighed.

Zak had come to call the adhaan. Others trooped in right after, making Arkaan feel slightly nervous with the so many people and new faces, though he tried hard not to show it.

Upon the behest of the Maghribi kids who had met Arkaan earlier, the family coaxed Arkaan into leading the last Salah of the day.

Arkaan felt terribly plotted against by the kids, who smiled cheerily at him.

Abdullah in particular, gave him an encouraging look, sighing in his heart at how much of a good scholar he was.

Arkaan led the Isha prayer, using the Suwar An-Naba' and Ash-Sharh in the first and second raka'at respectively; parts of his Hifdh of Juz' Amma which he still remembered.

The family members and attendants of the mansion and estate sighed in their hearts, when they heard his recitation. It wasn't everyday you'd see youth like this who studied the Qur'an. To them, it was obvious Arkaan had done Hifdhul Qur'an to some level, at least.

It took dedication and conscious effort to tread that path.

Thus, anyone who did Hifdh was prized wherever they went in the Muslim world, or at least, the most of it. People would treat such a person differently, as he became something like a 'Guardian of the Holy Scripture'.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now