Crescent 16: His Character was the Qur'an!(3)

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Maryam and Arkaan had parted ways when he began finding his way among the linear-patterned settlements of Mt. Shirah landmass.

Arkaan smiled for the umpteenth time when he remembered what Maryam had said to his answer.

"Your answers are unlike any other, and amazing. Many are those who take the path of knowledge for reasons other than to please Allah. Though we cannot read the heart, I believe whatever you've said today, and I hope Allah helps you on your journey."

"I believe as long as you stay true to your words, you can achieve anything on your journey to your goals. I just hope, whatever help you need, know there are always people around to help. Wa lillahi junûdus-Samaawaati wal Ardi Wa kaanallahu 'Aleeman Hakiimaa."

"It means, -

And to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise."١٣

Even as he continued walking, he noticed the sudden fall in the atmospheric temperature.

"Cold air..."Arkaan murmured as he felt the moisture in the humid atmosphere in his fingers. He raised his glistening greens towards the sky. Some rain clouds had gathered, and the sun was now hidden behind the darkening sky.

"A heavy downpour is approaching... "He had long noticed Tâ Hâ was in its wet monsoon. Unlike the mainland of Al Qalb-ul-Ard which was in the temperate zone, the island had a tropical climate.

He walked on, hoping to reach his destination before it became serious enough. He didn't want to get there with a cold. It'd be much bothersome.

Arkaan examined his surroundings on the Mt. Shirah landmass region as he walked.

Generally, the place was a quiet neighbourhood. The houses well arranged in a linear pattern, made of redbrick, glass and wood. It wasn't that extravagant as the very rich. But it didn't lack for elegant simplicity either. It was really the kind of neighbourhood he liked.

Although, it wouldn't usually be bustling like the Market region, it really was suitable for a residence afterall.

He picked up pace, even as loud thunder cackled in the sky. Some drizzle made their way to him, and he knew that things had just began.

Tip. Tap. Tip Tap-tap..

Even as he made a bend in the road at a junction, he noticed the familiarity on this side of the neighbourhood.

It brought back memories.

He could see himself running happily in the streets as a young child, his Little aunt chasing after him. He called her Little aunt because, even though she was his auntie, he said she wasn't as grown as his parents, and could still play with the neighbourhood children.

Then a time came, Little aunt stopped coming to visit them, Father had left afterall.

He was left all alone. For some reason, even the neighbourhood kids abandoned him, and stopped playing with him.

"That's the guy! I heard his father left him and his mother. He's now fatherless."A small group of boys gathered, had began to malign him when he walked by.

"My parents said to not play with him. They said he'd have no proper upbringing."

Another gestured to the others to come closer as he whispered something into their ears,"I heard he's an illegitimate son, and his parents had eloped. None of his family from either side had accepted the marriage."

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