The Circle Of The Qur'an [Facts and Figures So Far...] - 1

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Facts, Characters, and anything important in the story that you must remember.

The information here would only recap everything known so far from Crescent 1-16, plus prologue:-)

Hope you find this helpful. The journey has only began, it's too early to forget anything, don't you think:)

So in shaa Allah, this can also serve as a reference for the first 16 Crescents (NB: Some of them are multiplied.)


1. Hira

From prologue, so far nothing is known about her since she hasn't appeared yet in later chapters.

Appearance: A preteenager. Arkaan likens her to a fairy in her saffron robe, an exalted celestial, and later thinks she'd look like one of the eternal children of Paradise. This gives us an impression that she's at least very pretty.

Personality: Inquisitive, and a lover for spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. This is seen by her questioning Arkaan,"Why were voices created?", and then even having her own thoughts about the question.

2.Arkaan(MC of the story)
Age: 16/17, eight years ago he was 9 when he met Al Iskandarī.

Appearance: Arkaan is portrayed as a very handsome boy with green eyes like emerald stones. He has black hair and thick eyebrows.

Background: Hint exists that Arkaan is from a noble family. His father is a merchant and the elder son of a leading Patriarch in the Al Ilyâsin tribe. Having married a foreign woman, he's estranged from the tribe. The family falls into poverty, and the father leaves to better their lot only to never return. Even now, no one knows his fate.

Both mother and son were left in poverty, as the father didn't want his wife to work. His depressed mother left him with no choice but to fend for them both at a very young age.

Arkaan goes astray during this time. Fortunately, he meets a scholar who turns the path of his life to seek after Allah.

He's later kidnapped by his rich maternal grandfather from the West, who abandoned them when his daughter had married a Muslim.

Arkaan grows in an aristocratic society from that time till eight years later, he returns to Tâ Hâ, seeking his mother, and the scholar who transformed his life.

Personality: As a child, he was wild, and resigned to life's tragedies. He didn't care what happened next, probably had no goal except to have the next meal.

Meeting the scholar, he's revealed to be inquisitive, actually has a soft heart for Allah's words, and has keen eyes.

He is appreciative of the good people he meets and reserved on first meetings, but also can be vibrant, and when need be, even vicious with those who cross the line with him. He's defensive of his friends.
Although he has an inside dark personality sometimes, his meeting with Hilya and her diary are changing him.

Goals: To be one of As-Saabiqûnal Muqarrabun. Presently, find his mother, and to revive 'Inabah. Also, to be worthy enough for the girl he's liked since childhood.

Halaqah: South district Halaqah, 'Inabah.

3.Sheikh Inaayat Ibn Al Iskandarī
Age: 35 - 40yrs

Appearance: A scholarly man with long black hair that shines silver under the moon. Wears characteristic white thobe with a verdant kaftan. He seems to have a love for perfume, and keeps his dense beard neatly combed. All in all, he has a look of a saintly scholar amongst saints.

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