Crescent 30: Hâ Mîm|The Young Scholar shakes the convention|

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"I've looked into your soul, Hilya..

What you're searching for, is the Eternal...
What would forever last.. What would never fade away?"

-Hilya, Reflections


"Such a pity.."The Qaadi's voice rang through the convention,

"There's one special guest of honour here today, who came just to witness the scholar Al Iskandarī answer a question on fiqh..

How unfortunate the scholar did not come."

At the moment, three of the five Quraa from Tâ Hâ stood on the stage, and were the center of all attention within the grand Colosseum. The Colosseum was shaped as an earthenware bowl, faced up.

Recently just before their turn, they noticed there were some subtle changes made. A new Qaadi(judge) was brought, especially when it was their turn. He had his own position on a separate portion of the podium, facing them. Something was truly up.

Even as they stood at their positions on the platform, they realized that the whole gathering seemed to be interested in them, - Boys from the backwater island city. In contrast to the previous students' performances, they also seemed to have garnered much intrigue from what the presiding Qaadi had just said.

Also, since those at the high table who were previously bored with the earlier performances, were suddenly up and lively, why wouldn't they be? Something was up, and no one wanted to miss it, even if it involved countryside folk from the backwater city of Tâ Hâ.

Even as the boys stood there, unable to decide how to respond, murmurs slowly arose from the crowds. Most of these were about who this special guest of honour might be.

"A special guest of honour?"

Of all those who were on the high table, there was only one who couldn't be named. The rest were known by all! Only the Veiled man remained a mystery to them.

Even as this and many other thoughts ran through the people's minds, the murmurs steadily cascaded into a wide-scale clamour within the massive crowd. This time, on the nature of the question!

Since they knew who this special guest of honour was referring to, even if they didn't know his name, one other thing that left them in suspense, was his interest to ask a question! What was the question?!!

"A question on fiqh for such a great scholar?!!

This is not going to be something of an easy task!! Tsk.Tsk!"

"It's obvious they're just testing him. Good thing he's not around or Tâ Hâ would have been put to disgrace today."Some voices sympathized.

Even as the voices resounded within the Colosseum, one voice suddenly spoke up from the high table.
It immediately cast the whole Colosseum into a deathly silence.

The voice was majestic and carried within it the bearing of a King. Instinctively all the other voices kept silent, even all those on the high table.

This voice was not to be challenged!

"If he's not around, then his students can answer! There is the saying that the child can bear the weight of the parent!

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now