Crescent 7: Hilya's Diary(2)

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"By Allah, I knew that the Messenger of Allah would die but I cry now because the revelation from on high has come to an end for us.."

-Umm Ayman(Second mother to Nabi SAWS)


Quickly, without a second glance at the saintly girl, it retreated to the deeper woods, howling all the way.

From start to finish, the girl never even showed a hint of fear, and remained calm as an unrippled lake reflecting the vast sky. Arkaan was at a loss for words. Seeing that he was safe, the saintly girl smiled faintly. It was a warm smile, and yet Arkaan felt a sense of profound sorrow within it, like pleasantness within melancholy, calm within storm, the very essence of peace within the turbulent phases of life itself!
It made his heart to flutter in ecstasy, and at the same time ache with sorrow. Whoever this girl was, she must have undergone untold sorrow and pain even at her age. Arkaan was no new to this feeling, and could easily recognize it from anyone who possessed it, even slightly. Yet this girl's own was unlike anything he'd experience before. Perhaps, he might never know her sorrows, but even stranger was that she looked peaceful - content... unlike him. If not for his past experience with such feelings, and his keen perception of such emotions, it would have gone unnoticed to even him.

Now that his moment of crisis was over, he realized the saintly countenance of the girl accentuated lightly by a melancholic pale complexion. Her lips which might have been natural bright pink before like petals, betrayed a pale pink hue...and her dark lined eyes with kohl which looked like spring pools, vaguely hinted profound sorrow and excessive shedding of tears. Arkaan didn't know who this girl was, but one thing he knew for sure was that, whoever crossed her paths would feel an unreluctant heartache and sorrow on parting from her. She had a sense of contentment amidst the melancholy, like one at peace, and free from the chains of all true sorrow of the world. One would wish to be a close friend, so one could learn how she went through all of it and yet, overcame. It was a strange feeling...just to be acquainted even for just a single moment, one would be willing to do anything for companionship. It was the love Allah places in the hearts for His loved ones. It was also that, Arkaan felt empathy, though he felt he needed it more than her." Her trials may be deeper than anyone else's, but she has reached a level of freedom, and is unchained by the world...I wonder who her tears are now for, though?..."

Even as he pondered on all this, the girl nodded slightly at him, then turned to leave...
"Wait!"، Arkaan called to her desperately, his heart felt deep sorrow. He felt if this girl was to leave him right now, he might never have the chance and blessing of meeting her again. His heart throbbed with a yearn to make the best of the encounter, and even though they had just met a moment or two ago, he couldn't bear to part with her. There are some people who exist in this world: Once you meet them, even if its only for a moment, you'd feel the blessing and fortune of being in their presence - as if the Heavens would grace you upon their behalf; how could you possibly bear to be bereft of their blessed company. That was the feeling Arkaan was going through at that instant; this was an encounter that would mark an important event in his entire life and affect its flow.

The young girl who was previously retreating turned back, her face calm and tranquil. With such an aweinspiring aura, one would expect aloofness and looking down on all worldly humans enamoured by the worldly pursuits and desires, and yet - this girl had something of humility and consideration for all - a disposition of loving-kindness. Arkaan wouldn't find it hard to believe if this girl showed consideration for even the worst evildoer on Earth, and seek to purify him. He could tell just from her enlightened expression when she turned to face him, as if she was pleasantly surprised by his call earlier.

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