21- Protecting Me?

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It's currently lunchtime at school. And it's chaotic.

The last week of school, the halls are always crazy in between any class. So it wasn't anything new, but it's hard to get places.

My history group, Lilli, Noah, Kyle and myself, we presented our final project today and I think it actually went pretty well, we all said everything correctly. And in the right order. So I think it will be a good grade.

I finally make it to my locker after almost getting run over in the hallways.

But Lilli wasn't there.

She always waits for me.

I just shrugged it off, but it still somewhat bothered me.

I continued to grab my lunch money from my locker as someone stands beside me.

I assumed it was Noah or Kyle, considering the cologne. But it wasn't Axe or Calvin Klein.

I slowly turn to face this person and I should have known...

It was Dylan.

"So, are you going to explain?" He asks, but I knew I didn't have much of a choice. But I could stall...

"I don't know what you are talking about." I say with the most truthful voice I had as I close my locker door.

"Don't play dumb." He states as his eyes begin to fill with more worry.

He knows something happened, and when I tell him; he isn't going to be happy.

I let out a sigh before explaining.

"Yes I hit my head, well it wasn't my fault, he made me hit it. It was a hard hit and I instantly felt dizzy."

"Have you been feeling dizzy recently?" He quickly asks.

"Well yeah, yesterday morning when I was sick." I reply.

"Other than that time?" He asks with the 'tell me the truth' tone.

"Well I don't know if I would describe it dizzy, but maybe woozy?" I state, but it sounds more like a question.

"Okay, yeah, you're coming with me to see the gang doctor." He says before putting his hand on my shoulder and guiding me towards the school doors.

"Can it wait until after school? Please?" I ask.

He turns around and faces me before letting out a sigh.

"Two o'clock." He says.

"One hour before school ends? What's the point in that?" I ask.

"Earlier we get there, the less members we'll have to deal with." He replies.

"Okay fine, two o'clock it is." I say before walking back inside and towards the cafeteria.

When I walked in, I easily spotted out Lilli, Noah and Kyle sitting at our usual table.

I suddenly lost my appetite and my need to eat at the moment, so instead of going to get food, I headed right to the table.

I took a seat beside Lilli.

"Hey Kay." They all say in unison.

"Hi." I reply.

"You're not hungry?" Kyle questions.

I shake my head.

As Kyle and Noah began to drift back off into their 'guy' conversation, Lilli quietly asks in my ear,

"Are you okay?"

I nod my head before explaining to her that I'm leaving at two o'clock.

She nods her head before going back to eating her lunch.

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