71- Kicking Ass

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After a week and a half in the hospital, then another two weeks and a half of nobody letting me do basically anything, it's been an entire month.

Noah is still not really speaking to me, notice that I said 'speaking'.

But he enjoys yelling at me whenever I walk out of my room. Or try to leave the house other than to go to school, even Coach Lindi hasn't been letting me do much.

Although I kind of can see her point of view, she wants me at my best for my dance competition in March.

But it is only February fifth. Let's get ready, it's Monday.

I hopped out of my bed, walking into my bathroom.

Then, turning the shower on to the temperature that I like it at, I stripped out of my sweat pants and tank top before stepping in.

Once I was done, I stepped out and wrapped my robe around my body. I would've grabbed the towel that was closer to me, but it's just too cold after I step out of the warm water.

I walked over to my closet, needing to pick my outfit for the day. February-cold weather-warm clothes.

I grabbed my black, ripped jeans and my white, black and red crop top. (Below)


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And, of course, the handy-dandy undergarments

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And, of course, the handy-dandy undergarments.

Then I walked into my bathroom to get ready.

After I had completely dried my hair and put my outfit on, I walked back out to my bedroom to grab my phone and my red converse.

Slipping those on, then tying them up, I put my phone in my back pocket and I left my room.

"You should be resting." Kyle scolded me in the hall.

"It's been a month." I replied, following him down the stairs. I could almost hear him roll his eyes. I continued,

"Can I do gym today?"

When he reached the last step, he turned around and looked at me,

"Talk to Coach Lindi."

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