55- What Now

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Dreams never make sense.

I shrugged, lying. Clearly my dream was trying to tell me that I need to grow up a little and defend myself, not to go crying to my brother every time something bad happens. I need to stop relying on people. I need to stop getting in their way.


Loud footsteps ran into the kitchen as I was pouring myself a glass of orange juice,

"We need stuff for school!"

I widened my eyes and spun around to be faced with Lilli. I completely forgot,

"It's September second! School starts on September fifth!"

"Get your purse, get your keys, let's go." Lilli exclaimed, jumping up off of the couch.

I followed her actions and just as I was going to run upstairs, Noah yelled after us,

"We gotta come!"

We nodded, then Dylan yelled,


We all rolled our eyes.

I rushed upstairs and grabbed my small, shoulder purse along with my keys.

Then I trotted back down the stairs.

"How are seven of us gonna get to the mall?" Hunter questioned.

"Girls in my car, guys in Noah's. Duh." I said, smiling at him.

"Five of us in the BMW?" Kyle asked with a 'pfff' noise. I guess Darren is just gonna tag along? Since he doesn't go to school anymore...

Me and Lilli both nodded.

Dylan groaned,

"This is gonna be one hell of a ride."

"We'll meet you there." Lilli exclaimed as we walked out of the house.

We both hopped into my car.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" I asked her, pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah, two in the front and three in the back. They'll make it work." She answered.

I chuckled,

"Good luck to them..."

Yesterday, when the three boys showed up-they ended up sleeping over. I mean, why not?
They're kind of-like-always here, anyways.


"Where to first?" I asked.

"Charlotte Russe?" She suggested.

I nodded excitedly, I love that store.

"Then Pink." I stated.

Lilli nodded and we began our walk through the mall.

"Kay! Look!" Lilli pointed out a white crop-top.

I walked over to where my best friend was standing.

It was actually so cute! (Crop-top below)

It was actually so cute! (Crop-top below)

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