73- Keeping Away

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"Okay, meet you downstairs." I told Lilli, not facing her.

My bedroom door closed once again and I picked up my phone to check the time.

"Ten o'clock." I mumbled, getting out of bed.

I went over to my bathroom so I could get ready for the day.

Turning on my shower, I stripped out of my plaid pants and black tank top before stepping into the warm ness.

I immediately washed my face because of my cuts, they've been healing. But there's still a few present as well as one or two bruises. But they're very light.

Once I stepped out and wrapped my robe around my body, I headed over to my closet.

It was still freezing cold outside, so I wanted something warm. I picked my grey, Nike, zip up hoodie with a white tank top underneath paired with black leggings.

 I picked my grey, Nike, zip up hoodie with a white tank top underneath paired with black leggings

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Then I just blow dried my hair and left it down.

Walking back out to my room, I decided that I would pair my grey UGGs with this outfit if we had to go out somewhere.

Today is Saturday, February tenth. And I wish that I slept in longer, but whatever.

It's been hard avoiding everyone throughout the week, since I couldn't let them see my face. Just due to the cuts. But I put concealer over them on school days and stuff.

My phone began to ring-and I walked over. I assumed it was Hunter or something. But it was Noah?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Don't argue, something happened and w-we gotta head to the gangs." He told me, his voice cold.

"Be down in a second." I replied.

Oh god, what if it's Hunter? Or Darren? Or Dylan?

I rushed to my closet and grabbed my UGGs that I planned on wearing. Then, tossing my phone onto my bed so I could slip them on.

Grabbing my phone, I was out my bedroom door.

I rushed down the stairs, clutching my phone in my right hand while my other was sliding down the railing.

"What happened?" I basically screeched as I rushed to the front door to grab my jacket off of the hook. We each have our own hooks beside the door.

"Not sure, Darren didn't go into details. He just said that we gotta get to the house." Kyle said.

I threw my coat on quicker than ever, then Lilli gasped.

We all looked at her confusingly, but then both of the boys looked at me and worry spread across their faces.

"What?" I asked, wanting to hurry up.

"Your face..." Kyle trailed off.

I lost it right then and there,

"I don't fucking care what my face looks like! Let's just go! If somebody is hurt or in trouble; I want to be there. So quit staring at my face and let's go! But you're not gonna get in the damn car and drive, then I will drive myself and probably end up in jail for speeding."

They stopped talking right away, and we all rushed out of the door to Noah's car.

Me and Lilli sat in the back as usual. Then Kyle and Noah got in the front.

I was pissed. Not just that we don't know what's going on, but also the fact that I was stupid enough to forget my concealer.

I clenched my jaw as I stared out the window, watching the houses that we pass by.

After the longest time ever... we still weren't at the gangs. But Lilli wanted to break the silence,


"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"We've still got another, like, twenty minutes. Explain." She stated firmly.

I didn't even want to respond, instead I just looked out the window.

"Kate. Please." Lilli begged.

I shook my head, letting her know that I didn't want to talk about it. I heard Lilli let out a sigh before she went back to looking out the window.

I didn't want to explain that Allison pulled me into an alleyway and beat me up. Well, she got it worse. But, still.

"She's right, Kay. And if we find out that it was Kaleb, I swear to god-," Kyle started, but Noah cut him off,

"Cut it out, guys. If she doesn't want to talk about it now, she'll talk about it with everyone at the house."

Shit. I didn't think about that. If Darren sees, Hunter, Dylan!

Quit being selfish, what if one of them is hurt?

Good point. Good point...

Well, how am I supposed to not worry about what they'll say?

You can't not worry.

I am sometimes glad that you're here.

Forever and always.


I guess I had talked to Amelia longer than I thought, because we drove up the long ass driveway and we made it to the familiar white gates.

Noah drove through and parked his BMW next to Hunters; then we all rushed out of the car.

When we had made it to the front door, Kyle knocked and the speakers came on,

"Who is it?"

"Kate, Noah, Kyle and Lilli." Noah said quickly, then the door opened within seconds.

"Come on." Darren said to us, motioning for us to come inside.

"What's going on?" I asked immediately, and he moved his gaze to me.

"What happened to-," Darren went to ask, but I cut him off,

"I'm not discussing this right now, what the hell is going on?"

"You need to tell me what happened to you." Darren demanded.

"I'm not saying a damn word until you tell me what is happening." I stated, my anger just rising up more and more.

"She won't talk to any of us about it, apparently she's been hiding it for a while." Lilli cut in.

Darren glanced at Lilli, then back at me,

"You will explain later, right now just listen."

"Quit stalling, what's going on?" Lilli demanded.

Darren's eyes almost went dark, like, sad dark? If that's a thing?

"Dyl got beat up pretty badly, and Hunters not takin' it too well. The whole group is kinda just... down in the dumps." Darren said quietly.

My heart sank to my stomach, Dylan?

"Who was it?" Noah quickly asked.

"Pythons." Darren confirmed.

Lilli had a few tears trickling down her cheek, while Noah and Kyle both looked sad, yet horrified, yet scared, yet worried...

Why would they suddenly go after Dylan?


Oh my god! That son of a bitch, she rambled on to her gang about the fight that we had! She must have.

She will get it. I will take her and her gang down. I'm not a Blue Bloods member for no reason, now am I?


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