90- Awkwardness

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Darren quickly picked me up and carried me to the front door. Dalton rushed in behind Darren and opened the door for him. Then he rushed me to his car followed by Dalton.

But it was all a bit of a blur for me. I couldn't focus on one object, my head hurts, I'm dizzy and just sweaty.

I could tell that their mouths we moving, they were talking. But I couldn't hear a thing.

Why couldn't I hear them? Why couldn't I say anything to let them know that I couldn't hear anything?

We arrived at the hospital, and I lifted my arm to open the door, and it really did lift up.

I went to pull open the handle, but Darren had the door open within seconds.

I tried to get out, but my body was weak, and I guess Darren already planned on carrying me in there. Because he picked me up into his arms and began walking towards the doors.

I still couldn't hear them, but I saw Daltons lips moving.

My head was lied against Darren's chest, and I could hear his quick heartbeat. Was he scared? Worried?

He walked us into the building, then his chest started vibrating. He was talking.

Not just talking, yelling.

Then, one by one, many doctors and nurses came rushing over with a gurney. Darren lied me down, and I was rolled away. But I knew that him and Dalton followed close behind.

They wheeled me into a room and began hooking me up to machines, tubes and they put an oxygen mask over my face.

Darren and Dalton sat on the couch, both with a worried expression.

What happened.

My eyes went heavy, then everything suddenly went black.


I opened my eyes to the sound of the heart monitor.

The mask was still over my face, so I lifted my left arm and began to take it off so I could talk to Darren and Dalton who still sat on the couch.

"You guys don't gotta stay." I assured them.

Their heads shot up from their phones and Darren came over to my side,

"You had a seizure, Kate."

I froze,


"They're not sure." Dalton answered for him.

I let out a shaky breath,

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you dare be sorry, Kaytlyn. We should be sorry." Darren said to me, looking straight at my eyes.

I moved my gaze to the hospital room around me.

A seizure... wow.

"Put the mask back on and go to sleep." He told me, Dalton nodding in agreement.

I sighed,

"You guys should go."

Darren shook his head and sat down in the chair beside me,

"I will stay the entire time."

I sighed and put the oxygen mask back on.

"Do you want us to call Noah and them?" Dalton asked, Darren looking at me-waiting for my answer.

I lifted the mask off of my face,

"If you think it's important enough for them to be here, you can call them."

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