46- Maybe Too Perfect

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It was roughly the middle of the night, and I haven't slept at all.

After everyone went to bed, I crept downstairs and just chilled in the living room.

I didn't grab food, I didn't turn the gigantic flat screen on, I just sat on the couch, staring out the window.

No one had even come downstairs within the hour or so that I've been down here, which kind of surprised me because with a house full of guys, I'd think they'd still be doing stuff at night.

Hunter, Dylan, Kyle and Noah's rooms are all upstairs, and Darren's is downstairs.

I'm not sure if his is the only one downstairs, but I know that his room is down there.

It's kind of sad though, you'd think that the leader would have the nicest, biggest and best room. But his is in the basement, so I don't know how nice it could possibly be.

No balcony, not much down there.

But for all I know, it could be the most beautiful room in Michigan.

I leaned back, looking out the window.

My phone went off, I was assuming that it was Lilli.

But when I flipped my phone over, it was Hunter?

What's he doing up?

I opened the message, and it read:

1:02am- When you wake up, text me back and meet me in the backyard. I want to talk to you about some things. Sleep well <3

I smiled, he is so much sweeter than I ever anticipated.

I texted back,

To Hunter:

1:04am- I'm awake, haven't slept all night

I assumed that he would be sleeping again, but almost immediately, he responded.

From Hunter:

1:05am- same, do you wanna head downstairs and talk?

1:05am- I'm already downstairs, I came down here around 12

1:06am- k I'll be down in a sec, then we can go outside?


After that, I put my phone back into the hoodie pocket. Hunters hoodie.

I was just wearing his hoodie and my blue booty shorts. That's what I sleep in.

A couple minutes had passed, then Hunter came down the stairs.

He was wearing sweatpants and no shirt, so I got a real good look at every muscle in his torso.

He stared at me in awe.

I frowned at him in confusion.

He walked over to me and hugged me from behind the couch.

"You look better in my hoodie than I do." He stated.

I smiled.

"I already knew that." I said.

He let out a breathy chuckle before taking hold of my hand and lead me off of the couch.

He walked us outside and over to the pool.

He sat on the edge, dipping his feet in.

I sat right beside him and did the same.

"So, what's kept you up all night?" I questioned, swishing my feet in the water.

"I don't really know, I've just been thinking over everything." He told me,

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