87- Saturday

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My parents left on Thursday. I wish they had stayed longer-but I know that they're busy.

Today is Saturday, prom. Prom is today.

It's crazy to even think that I'm graduating soon. I remember elementary school as if it was yesterday.


"Welcome to the first day of grade six-Mr. Flores and Mr. Locker, stop spraying water at each other!" Mrs. Latty said as she stood at the front of the room.

"He pinched me!" My twin brother yelled.

"He's being a douche!" My twin brothers best friend yelled. Both of them continuing to have their small, water fight.

"Language, Mr. Locker! Office-both of you, now." Mrs. Latty sternly said.

Minutes had passed since they left the classroom-wet with room temperature water.

We began filling out an 'all about us' paper, when my blonde-haired best friend leaned over and whispered,

"You should write 'extremely stupid' in the 'fun facts' section."

My elbow then came in contact with her ribcage. But I hadn't realized how much forced I used until both her and her chair fell to the ground.

"Ow!" She yelled, getting up quickly and putting me in a headlock.

"Hey!" I screeched. Grabbing my squirty, water bottle which is the same kind that Noah and Kyle were using in their water fight.

I sprayed her black hoodie a little bit, but she went nuts,

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Miss. Flores and Miss. Parker! Office, now!" Mrs. Latty yelled at us.

I stood up and followed my best friend out of the office.

"Nice going..." Lilli trailed off.

I glared at her as we walked into the principals office-seeing both Noah and Kyle sitting there, lightly chuckling.

Most likely over what they had done before.

"Kate? Are you okay?" Noah asked me, worry laced in his voice.

"Yeah, just fine." I stated while glaring at Lilli before I sat down.

"Ha. Look at us! Four trouble makers in the office together!" Kyle exclaimed-we all laughed.

"Imagine if we lived together..." Noah trailed off, still lightly chuckling.

"We do." I told him. Meaning us because we're siblings.

"No, I mean all of us. It'd be a Hell house." He answered.

"It'd be fun." Lilli said, us three gave her a look as if we were saying 'yeah, right'.


Good memories...

"Kate!" Lilli squealed, running into my room and jumping on my bed.

"Today is prom!" I exclaimed, she nodded and engulfed me in a huge hug.

"It's going to be fucking awesome!" She yelled.

"Hell yeah it is!" I stated.

Once we both had calmed down a bit, Lilli asked,

"When the boys show up, are we supposed to put the ties on them?"

I nodded,

"Yeah. Cute, right?"

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