37- New Story

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"Taking care of the people I love." He told me.

I blushed and looked away from him.

"That was cute, don't look away." He said with a breathy chuckle at the end.

I smiled and looked back at him.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He asks me, blushing.

I nodded my head while answering,


"Friday, this week, the twenty first at seven?" Hunter asked me.

"Yeah, sounds good." I said still blushing and smiling.

"I'll pick you up." He told me.

I nodded my head and turned back to the pond.

The ducks are so peaceful.

And I just got a date with the bad boy, the one and only, Hunter Cohen.


"Lilli!" I yelled as I walked in my house.

I had to tell her everything.

The boys yelled at me from the kitchen,

"Everything good?"

"Yup!" I yelled back and I ran up the stairs.

I ran into her room and sure enough, she was laying on her bed with headphones in.

I jumped on her.

"Ow! Kay! What are you doing?" Lilli exclaimed.

I took a deep breath, not wanting to talk so fast that Lilli couldn't hear me.

"I went and talked to Hunter at the park, the whole thirty minutes that I was driving, I was really scared and worried but when I got there I was even more worried. So when he pulled up my heart was pounding and we both got out of our cars and went to look at the pond. He was explaining that I didn't need to say anything and that he shouldn't have put pressure on me to talk to him, which he didn't. I shut him up by holding his hand and we shared that moment by just standing there and now I have a date this Friday." I said, kind of quickly.

Lilli's jaw dropped before she squealed and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Yes!" Lilli exclaimed.

"I'm so happy!" Lilli went on.

I smiled and hugged back.

Lilli is the perfect best friend to have, she just listened to me ramble on about my day and she didn't interrupt.

"I am going to help you get dressed, do your hair, makeup, although you don't need any!" Lilli says with enthusiasm.

I laugh and she joins me.

"Is there any single, cute boys in the gang for me?" Lilli questions between giggles.

I chuckle.

"I bet there is." I told her and we began to laugh once again.

After a little while of laughing, we made our way into my room to look at my clothes.

Lilli insisted.

"Lilli, we still have three days! Four if you include today, although it's already six o'clock." I informed her.

"I don't care. Did he say what you should wear?" Lilli asked, kind of ignoring everything I had just said.

"No, I was going to ask on Friday." I answered.

Lilli sighed.

"Fine, we will do it then." She said, disappointed.

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