75- My Fault

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in Daltons office-but no Dalton.

I sat up, then standing up off of the bed. Still wearing my 'bad girl outfit' as Kyle said.

I checked my phone, it was now eight in the evening.

My legs lead me over to the mirror on the wall so I could see what Dalton did.

He didn't have to stitch me up, but I could tell that he cleaned me up and put this tape-like stuff over some cuts in case they were too deep to heal on their own but not deep enough for stitches.

Then, my legs having a mind of their own, lead me out of his office...

And then up the stairs...

I could hear talking from the dining room, so I walked towards there.

Plan A... may need to run if they get pissed.

But I stopped in the kitchen when I saw the paper on the counter. A note-to me?

It reads:

Dear Kate, we need to talk. When you see this note, come into the dining room. Please don't run and hide, we all need to have a discussion.

I sighed, there goes plan A.

I hesitantly, and slowly walked into the dining room. All heads turned to me.

"Sit down." Darren demanded.

I sat down, Dalton must have told them what happened... shit.

"Explain. Who did you get into a fight with?" Hunter asked.

I frowned in confusion,

"Dalton didn't explain?"

Hunter shook his head,

"No, all he said is that you definitely got into a fight. He also found healing cuts and bruises."

I froze, I have to explain every single detail,

"I got into the first fight last week. I was walking home from school after me and Coach worked on my dance-."

"Who did you fight with?" Noah asked me, Lilli looking at my jaw from beside me.

I sighed,


They all looked mad, but then I continued,

"The Pythons have never directed anything at Dylan before, ever since I have been here. So I assumed something was up, then I realized, when I had beat Allison-she told her gang to go after him. So we set up a meeting for yesterday to talk things out-,"

"Looks like you did more than talk." Lilli mumbled.

I continued,

"Yeah, we did more than talk. She admitted to her gang using Dylan as a punching bag-her words."

"So, where in the world did you think it was your place to go out and fight her?" Darren asked me.

"Because a gang is a family and family sticks up for each other. It was my fault Dylan got beat up, so I was going to make it even." I snapped.

"You are not the sweet and innocent Kaytlyn that I met before." Darren stated.

I frowned once again,

"I'm in this just as much as you guys are, and I know that if Hunter went out and fought Kaleb-you wouldn't be treating him like this."

"That's because you're a girl." Darren said.

That made my blood boil, a girl can do this just as much as any guy can. I clenched my jaw to keep me from lunging at him and ripping his eyes out.

"Girls can do anything guys can." I hissed, ignoring my surroundings. As if it was only me and Darren.

"No, no they can't. They're weak, and will get hurt-killed easier!" He exclaimed.

"I fought Kaleb in a one on one fight! I have just beaten Allison twice in a week. If you think I'm weak, then kick me out of the gang because I know for a fact that you didn't put me in it for no reason." I said, raising my voice slightly.

"No wonder you keep getting beat up! Start using your head, you should've never gotten involved!" He stated, raising his voice, now.

"I'm in this just as much as any of you! That's what a gang is, we stick up for one and other! And that's exactly what I did. So kick me out, slap me-kill me! I don't care! Just don't you dare, get mad at me for doing what was right." I demanded.

Darren looked a bit shocked as I didn't move an inch. So did everyone else as I came back to reality.

Holy shit... what am I doing?

This isn't me... yelling-getting angry with Darren...

"Kate..." Noah said, trailing off.

"Uh-y-yeah?" I stuttered. Looking down and putting my hand on my forehead.

"You okay?" He asked slowly.

I looked up, opened my mouth to say something, but then closing it-not knowing what to say.

But then it came to me,

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have fought with Allison the first time. I wanted revenge because I know that if I were to get beat up like Dylan had, you guys would've gone after whoever hurt me. I wanted to do the same so I wasn't being completely helpless. S-seeing you all so bummed out over Dylan was really sad, so I wanted to do something about it and that's what I did."

I didn't make eye contact with anyone, but I could tell that they all had sadness in their eyes.

It was silent for a moment, but Hunter broke it,

"Dammit, Kaytlyn. Why didn't you just stay out of it? Us seeing you hurt-in pain-that hurts us the most."

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. Why don't they understand? How don't they understand.

A chair screeched across the floor followed by quick footsteps.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said quietly.

"Kate." My twin brothers voice said.

I turned around and that's when the tears stared coming.

"Come here." He said, holding his arms out.

I gladly accepted and he brought me into a hug.

"It's okay." He said, holding me tight.

"I was scared for Dylan and the gang if something else were to happen. I did the first thing that came to mind." I sobbed quietly into his ear.

"Why didn't you say that?" He asked me me, rubbing my back.

"Will they forgive me?" I asked him, forgetting about his question.

"I think they're wondering if you'll forgive them." He told me.

But it's my fault...


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