65- Thank You

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December twentieth, five days until Christmas. And we're heading to the gangs house.

Today we're decorating their house, which me and Lilli are a little over excited for. Darren told us over the phone that there is Christmas decorations in their basement that we can use. From what I know, Dylan, Hunter, Darren and Jax went out to get a tree today. So they should be back by the time we get there, but if their not, we can re-organize their living room so we can make room for the tree.

"Stop changing my song!" Noah yelled at Kyle.

"No! Your music sucks ass!" Kyle yelled in response.

"Does not! My car!" Noah stated.

"Shut up!" Me and Lilli yelled in unison. They stopped immediately.

Kyles arm slowly made its way over to the radio and clicked the 'next' button. Skipping to the next song on the playlist.

Noah mumbles something under his breath before the car goes back to no talking.

My phone began to ring in my hoodie pocket, I didn't recognize the number, so I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I asked. Lilli looking at me, Noah looking at me for a moment through the rear view mirror and Kyle turned the radio down a bit.

"Hi, is this Kaytlyn?" A feminine voice asks.

"Yeah." I replied cautiously.

"Hey, it's Coach Lindi." She said to me.

"Oh, hey!" I exclaimed.

"I was calling about your Phys.Ed grades." She said to me.

"Did I do bad?" I wondered aloud. Lilli giving me a confusing look.

"No, in fact you're doing very well in all of your classes. You're athletic level seems to be higher than most males that Coach Brock teaches." She told me, making me very happy.

"Oh. What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned, fidgeting with my pant leg.

"I was calling to ask if you would go to the yearly competition." She stated, meaning it to be in question form.

"Wow, yeah of course. Would I be accompanied by any other students?" I replied.

"We're looking into the dance skills of other students, girls in particular." The coach replied.

"Dance skills? I though it was running..." I trailed off at the end.

"Oh, I forgot to mention! A video was shown to me of you dancing a solo to the song 'Changes'. It was truly amazing." She told me.


"Oh... Thank you. So what are the plans?" I asked.

"Well since I coach cheerleading, I thought we could make a solo dance for you, then work on a costume and things like that." She replied.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds good. When is it?" I questioned, meaning the competition.

"It is in mid March. So we have quite a while before then." She answered.

"Alright, that sounds awesome! Thank you!" I told her.

"I am excited too, Kaytlyn. I will be able to give you more details in the New Year." Coach told me.

"Alright, Merry Christmas." I said.

"You too." She replied then we both hung up.

I put my phone back into my hoodie pocket,

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