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Harry Styles

I kept my intense gaze on the person across from me, my jaw under pressure as I bit down on my back teeth forcefully. Through my nose, I inhaled deeply then tilted my head a little as I thought about why I was there in the first place. My stomach felt uneasy, like there was a knot in it and I found it hard to swallow anything. The water that I had ordered then later sipped on, tasted a little bit metallic-y in my mouth.

"Why did you want to meet with me?" I questioned after what felt like forever. We sat there, in quiet, and waited for one of us to speak up.

"Just to catch up," he shrugged as the lie slipped past his lips. I scoffed and looked to the side before my eyes travelled back to his face. I shifted in my seat and propped my right elbow up on the arm of the chair, my fingers pressed against my lips. "So, how have you been?"

"Fantastic," I replied sarcastically. "What about you?"

"Eh, I've been," he replied flatly. "You know, ever since I've quit selling, life's been less... crazy."

"I'm sure it has," I said, not interested at all. He obviously had a reason as to why he wanted me here yet he decided to play it off fake before he dropped whatever he had on his mind.

"A few desperate souls been trying to find me but it seems like I have successfully dropped off of the grid in that area, you know?" he carried on. I was completely lost by this point, I had no fucking clue why he was talking to me about his drug dealer past. I didn't exactly ask because it didn't interest me, however, it seemed like something important if he kept bringing it up.

I looked down at my Rolex in order to break the eye contact, the tension in the restaurant built up quite fast. I had over half an hour left until I had to get back to work, not that it was something I so desperately wanted to do. Curling up in bed and having a good ol' cry sounded much better.

"No, I don't know," I sighed. "I also don't know why I'm here. Is there even anything you wanted to tell me?"

"Seesh, look at you, all eager to leave because your girlfriend's name hasn't been brought up yet," he said smugly. In all honesty, he was right. He did bribe me to come here by the drop of her name in the text and yet, it had not been mentioned once.

"Is there even anything you know about her?" I asked in confusion and a bit of anger. I was protective of her, sure, but also felt a little left out when it came to her as a person. I knew what she wanted me to know and that should have been enough but the idea of someone knowing her and willing to spill it was rather inviting.

"Oh, trust me, mate, there is," he laughed and it sounded evil. I sighed in frustration. I didn't know if I truly wanted to know stuff from him. I never trusted this man and so the chances of him actually saying something that was true were quite low.

"Well, then fucking get to it, mate."

"How about we make a deal, alright?" he dropped the idea. "Say you are in it and then I'll slip a few things about her."

"What deal?" why was I considering this.

"Let's just say, Miss Kensington owes me a shit ton of money. Money, that she didn't have at the time and now she has but is too selfish to pay back."

"That's a deal you should settle with her, not me," I stated right away. "Go and find her about it and leave me out of whatever trouble you got yourself into."

"Now, this is where the problem comes in, you see," he laughed. "She likes to pretend like she doesn't know me. Like, that day at the coffee place? She looked right through me and was ready to kneel me in the dick."

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