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Harry Styles

There was a lot of pressure on my shoulders at the thought of having to impress her family. Much like with mine, a ton of different personalities were present, some clashed terribly and some clicked nicely. That was all based on her telling me stories about them in order to prepare me for the dinner that was bound to happen.

I thought her parents were amazing. The front they put up, the adoration and love they had for her was something that mine lacked when it came to me and my siblings. Some parts of me were jealous of the affection, the parental care I have always lacked due to my mother and father being obsessed with their careers, but I didn't voice it. At one point, I almost did, then caught myself and didn't let it slip.

This was the first time in forever Kensington was home, I thought she needed it, even though she told me this was no big deal for her. As soon as she was around her dads, she became crystal clear to me. She was like water – I saw right through her. All the walls, the tense posture, the constant frown... all those things disappeared as we sat in the living room and talked.

This was one of the many sides of Renleigh Kensington I haven't had the chance to see before and I adored it.

"So, tonight will be a close little family get together," Oscar began to explain. No one really knew what was happening, at least none of us who sat in the living room did. That included me, Kensington and Sophie. Although, the latter had been sleeping for about three hours now since she was absolutely jet lagged. "Just a nice dinner at my favourite restaurant. Then tomorrow, when the big party is happening, we will meet the others at the location of where we planned the day."

"Why won't everyone just come here?" Kensington asked. "What's the point of renting a place when we have it?"

"It will be easier for everyone," Sam explained. "Now, I think it's time for all of us to go and get ready so we can leave in time," he smiled at all of us.

"Who's coming to this?" she asked her dad. "Is it just us four?"

"We'll see how Sophie is feeling," Oscar said as he took a sip of his tea. I shifted in my seat, my right leg over my left as I leaned on the arm of the sofa, Kensington next to me. "It's half five now, we have a reservation for around half seven... we'll leave in an hour?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded with his focus on his phone. "That works for me."

"Alright," Kensington stood up and I watched closely. "See you then," she nodded at her parents then looked at me as she began to make her way out of the room. I felt awkward just leaving like that, even though the conversation her parents had with us before the party topic went smoothly.

I pressed my lips together as I smiled at her parents then followed her back up the stairs. As we went back to her room, I found myself breathing more... freely.

"Is it weird that I feel really out of place and unsure and kind of awkward and intimidated and like I can't take a breath without giving a reason for it?" the words burst out of me as if the invisible gate just popped open. Kensington looked at me as her head practically snapped towards my direction. I leaned against her closed door and watched as the confusion overtook her face.

"Why do you feel like that?" she asked me with her head tilted.

"I dunno..." I mumbled. "How do I stop it?"

"Umm," she looked at me just as lost as I felt. "C'mere," she reached in front of her with one hand and I did as she asked me to, even though I was a little confused. She wrapped her arms around my middle and rested her head on my chest. I was surprised by the gesture and in the state of shock I felt, I wasn't sure what to do. She was about to pull away when I placed my arms round her neck and let out the breath, I had no idea I even held in.

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