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Renleigh Kensington

There was a lot on my mind as I sat in my car and waited for the lights to turn green. I opened up the McDonald's bag that sat on the seat next to me and the smell of food instantly filled up my car. My stomach grumbled as I fished for the chips I got with my menu and the minute my fingers found the little holder, the lights changed colour. It had literally been a second and whoever was behind me already sat on their horn to get me to move.

"Suck my dick," I shouted as I looked in the rear-view mirror and sped off. "Idiots."

I was a bit stressed and I also had bad road rage. People were annoying in general but when they got to sit behind a wheel, they became even more irritating. Or maybe I didn't have enough patience to deal with their shit. Which is more likely. But also, there were some stupid ass people out there.

Like me.

I actually couldn't believe myself after I dropped Harry off at home. I went home and something came over me when I decided to meet up with an old friend of mine. Who betrayed me by not standing up for me after everything that went down with my ex.

It was Candi, before anyone feels confused. I would have never met up with Megan. The simple fact that she was dating a cheater was enough for me to never want to associate myself with her ever again. Plus, the whole act she put on at my charity event pissed me off too much to even think of her so whatever.

Anyways. I did meet up with Candi and it was... interesting.

Is that your way of saying awkward, slightly forced and fucking fake?

OK. So, maybe it was all of those. But I didn't expect anything more. I thought it was awkward because it had been ages since we saw each other and we were in a weird situation because how is one meant to act when they are face to face with someone who did them wrong in the past? It was slightly forced because of the whole vibe between us. There was no other way to describe it. And fake because it was forced and awkward.

I couldn't wait to leave and tell Styles about it.

Which was why I was back in my car and on my way to his headquarters. He was supposed to come to the shops with me anyway so I thought we could just go from there together.

Together. Him and I. Wow. What a weird concept.

Genuinely, I never would have thought I would end up with anyone before I turned thirty. Especially not with someone who I viewed as nothing more than a competition. At the start, anyway. Because no matter how hard I tried to push him away and make him dislike me by being difficult and not giving into him, he did not budge. Which meant that the more he was around me, the more accustomed I got to having him around and now I just felt weird if he wasn't.

And I know, my words contradict my thoughts and I just have no actions that show anything. But I just don't want to get played. At least, I didn't at first. Because now, it's pretty clear that he is all for me. Which is what I have always wanted. Someone who is just there for me all the time and doesn't expect much from me and loves and cares for me. Styles is that person for me. It just took a shit ton of time and arguing with him to get it through my thick skull.

I sat in my car in the car park after I got to his building. I finished off my chicken selects and chips then gathered my rubbish and as I passed by a bin outside, I chucked it in it. I moved my sunglasses onto the top of my head as I sipped on my drink and walked inside.

"Good afternoon, how may I help?" the receptionist smiled up at me as soon as she saw me.

"Hey, I'm here to see Harry—Mr Styles, I mean," I corrected myself.

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