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-In a middle of a lush field, teeming with life, a mysterious hole opens up in the grass...-

A White demon climbs out with a excited expression, the hole under him closes up while his face returns a usual, sarcastic smirk...

The demon is pale-white, and has a humanoid shape. His small horns , claws, small wings and talons are black. As is his dark-brown eyes, seemingly... His appearance is completed with his razor-sharp pointed tail, which seems about 12 inches long.

"I'm free..." the demon thought aloud, he turns around and recognizes the landscape, and the strange looking animals... "This is Hyperborea... No wonder I came up here...".  The demon glanced at a man-made path going through the field, adorned with lamp-posts and streetlights. His eyes follow the path until he sees a Paladin standing guard at the foot of a mountain-path. "Humans... I better keep out of sight...". He lies forward, landing on all fours and crawls toward the base of the mountain "This must be the Kingdom of Castielo: the only one here that rests on a mountain..", he starts swiftly, yet quietly crawling up the side. His movements was like watching a cat stalking pray, but in fast-forward, each arm stretched to it's fullest length and pulled the rest up with it, as he scaled the mountain in a matter of minutes.

He reached the top of the mountain wall, and sees the kingdom below.. Voices and sounds of machinery can be heard from down below... "Now, to find the perfect spot to live. Away from humans, but close to entertainment!", he deftly scaled down into the outskirts of the castle town. None of the country-side people notice the demon quickly crawling atop their rooftops and past their farmland, until he scales on the kingdom's wall... "There's the castle: I'll need to check up on the ruler, if I'm gonna know where I can relax. Whatever that guy says, the people'll do: and it'll effect whether or not Ill have a place to myself..."

He crawled quickly along the castle-town walls and leaps over the city-streets, completely unnoticed, only animals seem to catch a glimpse of the Supernatural entity leaping through town and towards the Castle! The white demon leapt up the side and crawls in a spiral motion up towards a window... "There,  I hear people talking... This is the throne room, too! Now I'll find out if anything's coming up...".. He then climbs over the window, and peeks in, while hanging upside down, his pointed tail holds in between two bricks, keeping him in place as he watches the people inside...

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